
State Expenditures on Student Aid per Full-Time Undergraduate Student: 2006

  • 1st quartile
  • 2nd quartile
  • 3rd quartile
  • 4th quartile


State expenditures on student aid per full-time undergraduate student: 2006
1st quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
California District of Columbia Arkansas Alabama
Florida Indiana Colorado Alaska
Georgia Louisiana Connecticut Arizona
Illinois Maryland Delaware Hawaii
Kentucky Michigan Iowa Idaho
New Jersey Minnesota Kansas Montana
New Mexico North Carolina Maine Nebraska
New York Ohio Massachusetts New Hampshire
Pennsylvania Oklahoma Mississippi North Dakota
South Carolina Texas Missouri South Dakota
Tennessee Vermont Nevada Utah
Washington Virginia Oregon Wyoming
West Virginia Wisconsin Rhode Island  
SOURCES: National Association of State Scholarship and Grant Programs, Annual Survey Report (various years); and National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (various years). See Data Table.


  • In the United States, the total amount of state financial aid from grants that were provided to undergraduates rose from nearly $2.9 billion in 1996 to nearly $6.8 billion in 2006.
  • On a per-student basis, state expenditures for student grants across the United States increased from $423 in 1996 to $802 in 2006 in current dollars.
  • The amount of financial assistance provided by the states and the District of Columbia varied greatly in 2006; 10 jurisdictions averaged less than $100 per undergraduate student, while 11 provided more than $1,000 per student, including South Carolina and Georgia with more than $2,000 per student.
  • Four states reported spending less in current dollars for student financial aid in 2006 than in 1996 even though the cost of undergraduate education rose rapidly during this time period. All of these states were among the group spending less than $100 per undergraduate student.


The cost of an undergraduate education can be reduced with financial assistance from the state, federal government, or academic institution. This indicator measures the amount of financial support from state grants that go to undergraduate students at both public and private institutions in the state. It is calculated by dividing the total state grant aid to undergraduates by the number of full-time undergraduates who are attending school in the state. A high value is one indicator of state efforts to provide access to higher education at a time of escalating undergraduate costs.

This indicator should be viewed relative to the level of tuition charged to undergraduates in a state because some states have chosen to subsidize tuition for all students at public institutions rather than provide grants.

Total state grant expenditures for financial aid include both need-based and non-need-based grants. State assistance through subsidized or unsubsidized loans and awards to students at the graduate and first professional degree levels is not included. The year is the latter date of the academic year. For example, data for 2006 represent costs for the 2005–06 academic year.

Data Table

Table 8-22
State expenditures on student aid per full-time undergraduate student, by state: 1996, 2001, and 2006
  State expenditures on student aid
  Undergraduate enrollment at
4-year institutions
  State expenditures on student aid/
undergraduate ($)
State 1996 2001 2006    1996 2001 2006    1996 2001 2006
United States 2,846,758 4,565,162 6,789,273   6,725,612 7,193,814 8,460,873   423 635 802
Alabama 8,320 7,413 7,626   120,895 130,189 140,142   69 57 54
Alaska 430 0 502   26,641 24,573 26,802   16 0 19
Arizona 2,291 2,990 2,798   88,412 111,429 242,591   26 27 12
Arkansas 11,727 39,151 28,364   63,756 70,538 81,086   184 555 350
California 235,582 461,914 757,809   517,769 599,658 698,811   455 770 1,084
Colorado 36,401 54,151 60,737   119,686 133,500 160,580   304 406 378
Connecticut 20,374 44,763 39,366   79,673 85,143 92,522   256 526 425
Delaware 1,390 1,432 10,240   26,513 25,761 29,225   52 56 350
District of Columbia 939 781 33,856   43,365 40,703 62,888   22 19 538
Florida 100,363 302,633 410,758   235,558 288,143 466,469   426 1,050 881
Georgia 165,220 310,995 461,615   175,093 188,383 222,706   944 1,651 2,073
Hawaii 499 535 410   28,048 26,290 34,336   18 20 12
Idaho 1,027 1,138 5,424   36,169 39,343 57,809   28 29 94
Illinois 282,809 382,566 380,349   259,759 276,559 333,959   1,089 1383 1,139
Indiana 69,599 111,618 182,281   205,747 217,294 241,153   338 514 756
Iowa 39,431 53,100 53,815   93,412 97,241 119,841   422 546 449
Kansas 9,588 12,819 15,168   81,295 84,620 92,127   118 151 165
Kentucky 26,215 66,931 172,866   107,893 109,981 126,074   243 609 1,371
Louisiana 15,053 91,166 116,432   143,810 146,259 135,457   105 623 860
Maine 6,988 11,961 13,387   40,895 42,093 44,100   171 284 304
Maryland 36,066 50,416 76,362   108,231 117,720 130,057   333 428 587
Massachusetts 54,646 116,892 80,093   236,525 235,263 243,742   231 497 329
Michigan 84,154 102,164 197,674   264,454 287,233 318,373   318 356 621
Minnesota 92,099 120,465 131,010   137,830 142,734 167,954   668 844 780
Mississippi 1,235 20,163 22,285   56,733 61,043 65,515   22 330 340
Missouri 24,236 43,882 42,068   166,157 180,799 209,818   146 243 200
Montana 393 3,195 3,760   32,170 32,393 33,784   12 99 111
Nebraska 3,114 5,975 9,918   62,045 58,789 62,753   50 102 158
Nevada 3,063 13,449 39,671   24,519 32,012 80,249   125 420 494
New Hampshire 773 1,497 3,753   40,511 40,367 43,915   19 37 85
New Jersey 141,198 197,619 256,047   146,595 156,867 167,990   963 1,260 1,524
New Mexico 16,988 38,736 61,780   40,438 43,089 50,390   420 899 1,226
New York 630,069 659,394 895,129   560,579 569,260 617,536   1,124 1,158 1,450
North Carolina 43,968 121,153 192,018   182,725 191,117 224,053   241 634 857
North Dakota 2,187 1,152 1,864   28,514 28,462 33,164   77 40 56
Ohio 120,967 173,868 221,411   300,831 302,681 334,964   402 574 661
Oklahoma 20,501 29,035 58,216   90,281 98,512 115,304   227 295 505
Oregon 13,651 19,711 29,429   66,714 76,071 90,742   205 259 324
Pennsylvania 232,020 325,234 403,957   356,314 377,646 415,319   651 861 973
Rhode Island 5,741 6,164 12,883   45,757 49,484 53,930   125 125 239
South Carolina 18,622 98,095 255,744   86,620 92,074 104,430   215 1,065 2,449
South Dakota 562 0 3,367   31,718 32,310 37,183   18 0 91
Tennessee 19,289 30,156 173,907   133,310 139,743 157,956   145 216 1,101
Texas 40,768 108,628 366,873   405,011 432,747 530,410   101 251 692
Utah 1,197 2,511 7,409   102,588 120,151 143,077   12 21 52
Vermont 11,874 14,414 17,560   25,652 25,972 27,968   463 555 628
Virginia 77,386 115,242 132,720   167,392 180,573 210,638   462 638 630
Washington 57,866 98,533 173,835   97,139 105,470 123,879   596 934 1,403
West Virginia 8,132 18,217 70,981   66,079 68,435 66,790   123 266 1,063
Wisconsin 49,528 71,145 93,583   158,986 168,547 180,721   312 422 518
Wyoming 219 0 163   8,805 8,550 9,591   25 0 17
Puerto Rico 23,689 40,231 33,840   138,665 149,699 163,259   171 269 207

NOTES: 2001 and 2006 enrollment data for 4-year degree-granting institutions participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

SOURCES: National Association of State Scholarship and Grant Programs, Annual Survey Report (various years); and National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (various years).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008

Excel.Source Data
  • 1st quartile
  • 2nd quartile
  • 3rd quartile
  • 4th quartile


State expenditures on student aid per full-time undergraduate student: 2006
1st quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
California District of Columbia Arkansas Alabama
Florida Indiana Colorado Alaska
Georgia Louisiana Connecticut Arizona
Illinois Maryland Delaware Hawaii
Kentucky Michigan Iowa Idaho
New Jersey Minnesota Kansas Montana
New Mexico North Carolina Maine Nebraska
New York Ohio Massachusetts New Hampshire
Pennsylvania Oklahoma Mississippi North Dakota
South Carolina Texas Missouri South Dakota
Tennessee Vermont Nevada Utah
Washington Virginia Oregon Wyoming
West Virginia Wisconsin Rhode Island  
SOURCES: National Association of State Scholarship and Grant Programs, Annual Survey Report (various years); and National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (various years). See Data Table.


  • In the United States, the total amount of state financial aid from grants that were provided to undergraduates rose from nearly $2.9 billion in 1996 to nearly $6.8 billion in 2006.
  • On a per-student basis, state expenditures for student grants across the United States increased from $423 in 1996 to $802 in 2006 in current dollars.
  • The amount of financial assistance provided by the states and the District of Columbia varied greatly in 2006; 10 jurisdictions averaged less than $100 per undergraduate student, while 11 provided more than $1,000 per student, including South Carolina and Georgia with more than $2,000 per student.
  • Four states reported spending less in current dollars for student financial aid in 2006 than in 1996 even though the cost of undergraduate education rose rapidly during this time period. All of these states were among the group spending less than $100 per undergraduate student.


The cost of an undergraduate education can be reduced with financial assistance from the state, federal government, or academic institution. This indicator measures the amount of financial support from state grants that go to undergraduate students at both public and private institutions in the state. It is calculated by dividing the total state grant aid to undergraduates by the number of full-time undergraduates who are attending school in the state. A high value is one indicator of state efforts to provide access to higher education at a time of escalating undergraduate costs.

This indicator should be viewed relative to the level of tuition charged to undergraduates in a state because some states have chosen to subsidize tuition for all students at public institutions rather than provide grants.

Total state grant expenditures for financial aid include both need-based and non-need-based grants. State assistance through subsidized or unsubsidized loans and awards to students at the graduate and first professional degree levels is not included. The year is the latter date of the academic year. For example, data for 2006 represent costs for the 2005–06 academic year.

Data Table

Table 8-22
State expenditures on student aid per full-time undergraduate student, by state: 1996, 2001, and 2006
  State expenditures on student aid
  Undergraduate enrollment at
4-year institutions
  State expenditures on student aid/
undergraduate ($)
State 1996 2001 2006    1996 2001 2006    1996 2001 2006
United States 2,846,758 4,565,162 6,789,273   6,725,612 7,193,814 8,460,873   423 635 802
Alabama 8,320 7,413 7,626   120,895 130,189 140,142   69 57 54
Alaska 430 0 502   26,641 24,573 26,802   16 0 19
Arizona 2,291 2,990 2,798   88,412 111,429 242,591   26 27 12
Arkansas 11,727 39,151 28,364   63,756 70,538 81,086   184 555 350
California 235,582 461,914 757,809   517,769 599,658 698,811   455 770 1,084
Colorado 36,401 54,151 60,737   119,686 133,500 160,580   304 406 378
Connecticut 20,374 44,763 39,366   79,673 85,143 92,522   256 526 425
Delaware 1,390 1,432 10,240   26,513 25,761 29,225   52 56 350
District of Columbia 939 781 33,856   43,365 40,703 62,888   22 19 538
Florida 100,363 302,633 410,758   235,558 288,143 466,469   426 1,050 881
Georgia 165,220 310,995 461,615   175,093 188,383 222,706   944 1,651 2,073
Hawaii 499 535 410   28,048 26,290 34,336   18 20 12
Idaho 1,027 1,138 5,424   36,169 39,343 57,809   28 29 94
Illinois 282,809 382,566 380,349   259,759 276,559 333,959   1,089 1383 1,139
Indiana 69,599 111,618 182,281   205,747 217,294 241,153   338 514 756
Iowa 39,431 53,100 53,815   93,412 97,241 119,841   422 546 449
Kansas 9,588 12,819 15,168   81,295 84,620 92,127   118 151 165
Kentucky 26,215 66,931 172,866   107,893 109,981 126,074   243 609 1,371
Louisiana 15,053 91,166 116,432   143,810 146,259 135,457   105 623 860
Maine 6,988 11,961 13,387   40,895 42,093 44,100   171 284 304
Maryland 36,066 50,416 76,362   108,231 117,720 130,057   333 428 587
Massachusetts 54,646 116,892 80,093   236,525 235,263 243,742   231 497 329
Michigan 84,154 102,164 197,674   264,454 287,233 318,373   318 356 621
Minnesota 92,099 120,465 131,010   137,830 142,734 167,954   668 844 780
Mississippi 1,235 20,163 22,285   56,733 61,043 65,515   22 330 340
Missouri 24,236 43,882 42,068   166,157 180,799 209,818   146 243 200
Montana 393 3,195 3,760   32,170 32,393 33,784   12 99 111
Nebraska 3,114 5,975 9,918   62,045 58,789 62,753   50 102 158
Nevada 3,063 13,449 39,671   24,519 32,012 80,249   125 420 494
New Hampshire 773 1,497 3,753   40,511 40,367 43,915   19 37 85
New Jersey 141,198 197,619 256,047   146,595 156,867 167,990   963 1,260 1,524
New Mexico 16,988 38,736 61,780   40,438 43,089 50,390   420 899 1,226
New York 630,069 659,394 895,129   560,579 569,260 617,536   1,124 1,158 1,450
North Carolina 43,968 121,153 192,018   182,725 191,117 224,053   241 634 857
North Dakota 2,187 1,152 1,864   28,514 28,462 33,164   77 40 56
Ohio 120,967 173,868 221,411   300,831 302,681 334,964   402 574 661
Oklahoma 20,501 29,035 58,216   90,281 98,512 115,304   227 295 505
Oregon 13,651 19,711 29,429   66,714 76,071 90,742   205 259 324
Pennsylvania 232,020 325,234 403,957   356,314 377,646 415,319   651 861 973
Rhode Island 5,741 6,164 12,883   45,757 49,484 53,930   125 125 239
South Carolina 18,622 98,095 255,744   86,620 92,074 104,430   215 1,065 2,449
South Dakota 562 0 3,367   31,718 32,310 37,183   18 0 91
Tennessee 19,289 30,156 173,907   133,310 139,743 157,956   145 216 1,101
Texas 40,768 108,628 366,873   405,011 432,747 530,410   101 251 692
Utah 1,197 2,511 7,409   102,588 120,151 143,077   12 21 52
Vermont 11,874 14,414 17,560   25,652 25,972 27,968   463 555 628
Virginia 77,386 115,242 132,720   167,392 180,573 210,638   462 638 630
Washington 57,866 98,533 173,835   97,139 105,470 123,879   596 934 1,403
West Virginia 8,132 18,217 70,981   66,079 68,435 66,790   123 266 1,063
Wisconsin 49,528 71,145 93,583   158,986 168,547 180,721   312 422 518
Wyoming 219 0 163   8,805 8,550 9,591   25 0 17
Puerto Rico 23,689 40,231 33,840   138,665 149,699 163,259   171 269 207

NOTES: 2001 and 2006 enrollment data for 4-year degree-granting institutions participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

SOURCES: National Association of State Scholarship and Grant Programs, Annual Survey Report (various years); and National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (various years).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008

Excel.Source Data
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