Table 4-22
Federal technology transfer indicators and intellectual property measures, by selected U.S. agency: FY 2005
Disclosures/patenting/licenses     DOE     DOD     NASA     NIH/FDA     USDA
Invention disclosures and patenting                    
Inventions disclosed   1,776   1,220   687   388   125
Patent applications filed   812   798   154   186   88
Patents issued   467   430   157   66   27
Invention licenses                    
Active invention licenses   1,535   406   345   NA   320
New invention licenses   198   60   90   313   33

NA = not available

DOD = Department of Defense; DOE = Department of Energy; NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NIH/FDA = National Institutes of Health/Food and Drug Administration; USDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture

NOTE: NASA data for FY 2004.

SOURCES: USDA, FY 2006 Annual Reporting on Agency Technology Transfer (2006); DOD, Report to Congress on the activities of the DOD Office of Technology Transition (2006); DOE, Annual Report on Technology Transfer and Related Technology Partnering Activities at the National Laboratories and Other Facilities - Fiscal Year 2005 (2006); NASA, Annual Report on Technology Transfer, Programs, Plans, FY 2004 Activities and Achievements (2006); NIH, Office of Technology Transfer Activities, Statistical Tables (2006),, accessed 28 February 2007. See appendix table 4-53.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008