Table 4-19
R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and country/region: 2004
(Millions of current U.S. dollars)
        Manufacturing   Nonmanufacturing
Country/region      All
      Total       Chemicals       Machinery       Computer
      Information       Professional,
All countries   27,529   23,288   6,254   791   5,283   551   7,741   843   2,120
Canada   2,702   2,517   503   26   472   16   1,334   38   D
Europe   18,148   15,198   4,451   656   2,117   422   5,750   317   1,477
Belgium   628   465   D   18   D   12   23   0   80
France   1,854   1,762   912   75   136   12   422   D   23
Germany   4,693   4,144   269   190   543   240   2,462   11   D
Sweden   1,525   1,483   83   11   51   D   D   1   D
Switzerland   868   361   104   31   76   4   15   10   236
United Kingdom   5,462   4,434   1,711   177   762   34   1,339   46   849
Asia and Pacific   4,934   4,426   1,164   81   2,108   95   435   D   D
Australia   471   426   92   D   D   1   222   *   D
China   622   538   18   7   468   D   5   D   21
Hong Kong   220   196   4   *   D   2   0   D   D
Japan   1,742   1,552   1,004   45   244   D   114   127   D
Singapore   711   698   8   *   677   D   D   8   4
Taiwan   363   349   11   6   14   0   D   D   1
Latin America/OWH   882   581   124   26   66   16   206   D   D
Brazil   340   328   67   21   61   D   144   2   5
Mexico   D   199   36   5   1   D   53   0   D
Middle East   826   539   6   1   520   1   0   D   D
Israel   824   539   6   1   520   1   0   D   D
Africa   36   27   6   1   0   0   16   2   *
South Africa   30   24   5   *   0   0   16   2   *

D = suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information; * ≤$500,000
NAICS = North American Industry Classification System; OWH = other Western Hemisphere

NOTES: Preliminary 2004 estimates for majority-owned (>50%) nonbank affiliates of nonbank U.S. parents by country of ultimate beneficial owner and industry of affiliate. Expenditures included for R&D conducted by foreign affiliates, whether for themselves or others under contract. Expenditures excluded for R&D conducted by others for affiliates under contract.

SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (annual series),, accessed 24 April 2007. See appendix tables 4-45 and 4-46.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008