Table 4-18
R&D performed by parent companies of U.S. multinational corporations and their majority-owned foreign affiliates: 1994–2004
  R&D performed (current US$millions)   Shares of MNC (%)
Year U.S. parents      MOFAs      Total MNCs      U.S. parents       MOFAs
1994 91,574   11,877   103,451   88.5   11.5
1995 97,667   12,582   110,249   88.6   11.4
1996 100,551   14,039   114,590   87.7   12.3
1997 106,800   14,593   121,393   88.0   12.0
1998 113,777   14,664   128,441   88.6   11.4
1999 126,291   18,144   144,435   87.4   12.6
2000 135,467   20,457   155,924   86.9   13.1
2001 143,017   19,702   162,719   87.9   12.1
2002 136,977   21,063   158,040   86.7   13.3
2003 139,884   22,793   162,677   86.0   14.0
2004 152,384   27,529   179,913   84.7   15.3

MNC = multinational corporation; MOFA = majority-owned foreign affiliate

NOTES: MOFAs are affiliates in which combined ownership of all U.S. parents is >50%. Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (annual series),, accessed 24 April 2007.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008