Table 2-1
Higher education faculty, by teaching field, highest degree, employment status, and institution type: Fall 2003
Faculty characteristics Number Research institutions Other institutions Public 2-year institutions
S&E 505,300 29.3 42.1 28.7
Full time 322,500 38.1 44.3 17.6
Part time 182,700 13.6 38.2 48.3
Doctorate/first professional degree 304,600 43.3 48.3 8.5
Other high degree 200,700 8.0 32.6 59.4
Non-S&E 587,800 16.7 53.1 30.2
Full time 297,300 23.4 56.9 19.7
Part time 290,500 9.9 49.1 41.0
Doctorate/first professional degree 236,100 26.5 63.0 10.5
Other high degree 351,700 10.2 46.4 43.5

NOTES: Institution type based on 1994 Carnegie classification. See National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2006 (NSB 06-01A) for characteristics of these institution types.

SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics, 2004 National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty, special tabulations (2006).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008