Table 1-11
States with various professional development policies for teachers: 2004 and 2006
Statewide policy   2004   2006
Required professional development for
  teacher license renewal
  48a   48
Wrote professional development
  35   40
Financed professional development   37   39
Financed professional development for
  all districts in state
  27   31
Required and financed mentoring for all
  novice teachers
  16   15
Required districts/schools to set aside
  time for professional development
  13   15

a2002 count.

SOURCES: Council of Chief State School Officers, Key State Education Policies on PK-12 Education: 2002 (2002); Key State Education Policies on PK-12 Education: 2006 (2007); Editorial Projects in Education 2005, State of the states, Education Week: Quality Counts 24(17); and Quality counts at 10: A decade of standards-based education, Education Week: Quality Counts 2006 25(17).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008