Table 1-9
Type of certification of public school teachers: Academic years 1999–2000 and 2003–04
(Percent distribution)
    Academic year 1999–2000   Academic year 2003–04
Type of certification    All teachers    Mathematics
and science
  All teachers    Mathematics
and science
All teachers   100.0   100.0   100.0   100.0
Regular or advanced   86.6   81.0   87.6   84.1
Probationary   2.8   3.4   3.8   4.7
Provisionary or alternative   3.2   3.6   4.3   6.3
Temporary   1.1   1.3   2.2   2.8
Emergency   0.6   1.0   0.7   0.7
None   5.8   9.8   1.5   1.3

NOTE: Percents may not add to 100 because of rounding.

SOURCES: National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey, 1999–2000 and 2003–04; and National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, special tabulations.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008