Obama's challenge
House Dems unveil $825 billion stimulus
Responding to Obama's call for a jolt to the economy, huge stimulus package proposed
As swearing-in of new president nears, House Democratic lawmakers advance plans for the president-elect's top priority and unveil a massive stimulus package including $550 billion in spending and $275 billion in tax cuts.
Geithner confirmation hearing delayed
Flap over Obama's Treasury Secretary's handling of his taxes and taxes paid for a housekeeper throw a snag into the president-elect's transition, but Obama maintains support for his choice and says he expects Geithner to ultimately be confirmed.
Obama's chief technology advisor in line to head FCC

The rule of the Czar power:
A more imperial presidency?

Barack Obama is boosting the number of policy "czars" to an unprecedented level, but Darrell Delamaide is skeptical that upping the number of unaccountable power brokers will fix Washington.
Nutting: The seven most horrible mistakes of Bush

Obama:Inaction will make things worse
Obama says failure to do something to help the economy -- i.e. pass his stimulus plan -- could cost more jobs, deepen the recession, kill chances for college and other grim consequences.

Si se puede?
Not in 2009

Latin America favors tighter U.S. ties, but economics put hopes on hold.
Job #1: Make jobs
Health-care reform: Is its time now?
Carmakers: Change Detroit needs now
MarketWatch's series on what's ahead for key sectors under the new administration and what it means for investors.
Obama fills in his economic team
President-elect unveils his economic policy team, as he takes a more activist position in the transition period to assure Americans he'll act quickly and boldly to strengthen economy.
Veteran regulator Schapiro tapped to head SEC
David Weidner: An invitation to the president-elect to pay a visit to Wall Street
Difficult tasks now lie ahead for the president-elect
A potentially deep U.S. recession and the sharpest global financial crisis since the Great Depression will give Democrat Barack Obama little time to back in the afterglow of his historic win in the U.S. presidential election.
Obama completes historic quest to the White House
Poor economy on voters' minds (blog)Text of Obama victory speech
Dems look to move fast  • Obama and the oil market
Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital: No rest for the weary; Obama must get straight to work
Republicans vow to rebuild
Chairman of the Republican National Committee says the GOP will take a deep breath after its stunning losses on Tuesday, but will demand accountability from Obama and Democrats, and work to rebuild the GOP brand.

Family values
Candidates' stands on issues close to the hearts and wallets of women reflect a key difference in the philosophies of Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain.

rex nutting
A victory for the people
Never before have so many Americans -- Democrats and Republicans -- stood so tall, says Rex Nutting.

dave Callaway
Obama's twin challenges
Voters want Obama to fix the economy and save the world. But fix the economy first, says Dave Callaway.