Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC]

Department of Energy

The Energy Materials Coordinating Committee ( EMaCC ) embraces 19 program offices across DOE that have distinctly different mission-related responsibilities for materials research or development. The EMaCC provides a formal structure for communication and coordination between these program offices. Under the terms of its Charter, EMaCC reports to the director of the Office of Science. A report is published annually: both the most recent report and those for previous years are available in PDF format through the buttons at the left.  From that report, we see that the total DOE effort in unclassified materials research and development in FY2003 came to $874,985K allocated as shown below.

Current EMaCC officers (for FY2006) are

      Dr. Susan Lesica (Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology), Chairperson 

      Dr. Aravinda Kini (Office of Basic Energy Sciences), Executive Secretary

EMaCC activities in focused topics of common interest to three or more program offices and can be carried out through subcommittees.  None are currently active.


Program                                                           FY2005 Materials-Related Activity (K$)

Building Technology, State and Community Programs                                         8,517

Electric Transmission and Distribution                                                                36,000

Freedomcar & Vehicle Technologies Program                                                    36,477

Geothermal Technologies Program                                                                           335

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program                        20,368

Industrial Technologies Program                                                                         11,265

Solar Energy Technology Program                                                                       28,638

Weatherization & Intergovernmental Program                                                            0

Basic Energy Sciences Materials Sciences & Engineering program                686,700

Advanced Scientific Computer Res.                                                                     45,369

Fusion Energy Sciences Program                                                                           8,600

Biological and Environmental Research                                                                 1,199

Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology Program                                             11,272

National Nuclear Security Administration Naval Reactors Program                   66,600

Office of Defense Programs                                                                                  51,526

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program                                        

Fossil Energy                                                                                                         12,543

TOTAL                                                                                                             1,025,410




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Last Modified: December18, 2006

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