Students on campus

Students come first in our priorities of teaching, research and service about plants, animals, food, business, the natural environment and the human environment.

Our 14 diverse majors focus on meeting human needs for food and fiber and a healthy environment -- both the natural and man-made.

butterfly girl
Massive gathering of monarch butterflies in Mexico
In central Mexico monarch butterflies, warmed by the early morning sun, rose up like a living wave through the treetops.
Jake Farnum
Graduate student to march in Inaugural Parade representing Peace Corps
Jake Farnum, 30, a graduate student at the UA, will march in the Presidential Inaugural Parade in Washington, D.C.
Michael Thomsen
Division of Agriculture presents faculty, staff awards
The UA System's Division of Agriculture recognized outstanding performance by faculty and staff members at an awards luncheon Jan. 9.
Monty Henderson
Harold E. Ford Foundation gift supports poultry science recruiting
The U.S. Poultry and Egg Association Harold E. Ford Foundation recently presented a check for $17,380 to the poultry science department at the UA.
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