Federal Aviation Administration Seal

Development of a Visual Aid to Indicate Temporary Runway Closure


If an FAA standard for a temporarily closed runway indicator is issued, it is recommended that the lighting configuration developed in the performance of this project be specified. The salient features of the device suggested for adoption as meeting the performance standards developed in this report are as follows:

1. Lamps shall be clear 150W/120V PAR-38 spotlights.

2. Lamps shall be arranged in the shape of the letter "X" on arms of fourteen-foot minimum length crossed at ninety degrees.

3. Lamps shall be placed on 3-foot B-inch centers.

4. Lamps shall be operated at 120V during daylight hours, and at 40V at night.

5. The device shall be energized by a portable power source.

6. The device shall be controlled by a timer causing the signal to pulse at an approximate rate of three seconds "on" and one second "off".

7. The vertical aiming of the array shall be adjustable to allow tilting to an optimum aiming angle of five degrees from vertical.

Last updated: 12:00 am ET August 2, 2005
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