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Graduate Resources
Latest News
  • Spring 2009 Orientation information now online
  • Students: Please update Ithaca, home addresses
  • Inter-American Foundation Fellowships for Ph.D. candidates
    Graduate School calendar
    Key dates and deadlines for the busy student.

    Happening at the Big Red Barn
    Jan. 19: BRB Re-Opens
    Jan. 20: Obama's Inaugural Happy Hour

    Life at Cornell
    Things to do, places to go, and how to find things once you get here.

    Cornell University Graduate Linkage Program
    A program jointly administered by Weill Cornell Medical College, the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and the Cornell University Graduate School.

  • The Next Step
    Information and resources for newly admitted students.

    Recruitment events coming to a campus near you
    See where and when Grad School representatives will be near you.

    Balanced is better!
    The Office of Graduate Student Life is here as a support to help you actually have a balanced life while in graduate school. Balance, in turn, will make you a better student. Check out these useful resources.

    Grad & Professional Student
    Virtual Community Center

    Resources and links to a variety of useful student services.

    Thesis Advisor
    Everything you need to know about completing your thesis or dissertation.

    Career Services
    Resources and services for graduate students seeking non-professorial careers.

    TA Development
    The Center for Learning and Teaching offers a variety of great resources.

    Your one-stop destination for all academic, financial aid, and other Grad School forms.

    Grad Study at Cornell
    At Cornell, graduate students belong to Fields of Study -- specific academic areas that tailor programs to individual interests.

    Our History
    Graduate study has been a part of the Cornell curriculum since the founding of the university in 1865.

    Additional resources:
      Office of Postdoctoral Studies
      International Students & Scholars Office
      CU Info
      Diversity at Cornell
      Graduate & Professional Student Association
      Campus Tour
      Graduate Community Initiative