
Student Highlights

Meet some Cornell University students who portray the intellectual potential, strength of character, and love of learning that has exemplified Cornell since 1865.

Photo of Alan Benson

Sana Ahmad

Sana has worked on Cornell's solar house and has already taken enough credits to be more than halfway toward earning a Master's of Engineering.

Photo of Jeannine Altavilla

Jeannine Altavilla

Jeannine helped design revitalization plans for Collegetown and New Orleans and spent a semester in the Cornell in Rome program.

Photo of Justin Anderson

Justin Anderson

Justin, an Eagle Scout, has spent four years as a scoutmaster for a local Boy Scout troop and as a member of a service fraternity, and working for Cornell Cinema.

Photo of Jason Bender

Jason Bender

A top student in his major (with 16 A-pluses), Jason was working on research in his adviser's lab for just four weeks when his adviser described him as "almost superhuman."

Photo of Abdul Chaballout

Abdul Chaballout

Abdul, an American Muslim pre-med student, uses his Arabic skills and cultural background to build bridges with other Cornell students and as a vehicle in his scholarship.

Photo of N. Barbara Conolly

N. Barbara Conolly

After a career in insurance, Barbara went to junior college to pursue her passion in plants. At age 48, she sold her house and entered Cornell as a junior to study horticulture.

Photo of Catherine Elder

Catherine Elder

Catherine is not only a leader in her co-op, in the Intercooperative Council and in the Cornell Photo Society, she is a physics tutor, soccer player and steel drum player.

Photo of Aaron Gingrande

Aaron Gingrande

Aaron, a jazz guitarist and a Cornell Presidential Research Scholar, learned Chinese so he could interview Chinese workers firsthand about human resource practices in China.

Photo of Jarett Goldman

Jarett Goldman

Jarett learned Mandarin Chinese at Cornell, attended a Beijing university for a semester, and worked as a teaching assistant since he was a second-semester freshman.

Photo of Jessica Hippolyte

Jessica Hippolyte

Jessica, leaning on black women and Haitian student organizations for her own support, mentored freshmen and interned in a New York City hospital and a school in Haiti.

Photo of Ding Kong

Ding Kong

A recipient of the prestigious Udall scholarship, Ding led a sustainability initiative on campus, helped launch a course on environmental justice and tutored area schoolchildren.

Photo of Robin Kornet

Robin Kornet

Robin has done research on the language variations in psychopaths as well as on deception on Facebook, and she helped organize Cornell students to participate in Bookfest.

Photo of Tim Krueger

Tim Krueger

Tim was founder and director of the Roosevelt Institution on campus and was a columnist for The Cornell Daily Sun. He is also the father of a young son.

Photo of Miatta Lebile

Miatta Lebile

Miatta sang her way through Cornell with her eye on singing onstage in the future. "It is what I do, what I breathe, what I love. Music is what gets me going."

Photo of Corissa Lee

Corissa Lee

Water polo – playing on the women's team and coaching the men's – helped keep Corissa "sane" while studying materials science and engineering at Cornell.

Photo of Christi Lockwood

Christi Lockwood

The first in her family to attend college, Christi had a rough time adjusting. But once she did, she rocked – ultimately being named the most accomplished student in her college.

Photo of Sara Martinez

Sara Martinez

Sara came here to study astronomy but got wooed from the sciences into history, specifically material culture and museum studies.

Photo of Perry O'Brien

Perry O'Brien

After a tour of duty in Afghanistan as a medic, Perry eventually obtained conscientious objector status. His anti-war efforts have largely defined his two-years at Cornell.

Photo of Matt Perkins

Matt Perkins

Singing, sustainable energy and Mandarin Chinese have largely defined Matt's Cornell experience. He served as president of the Cornell Glee Club and Kyoto Now!.

Photo of Helen Tsang

Helen Tsang

Says an adviser: "Students such as Helen are exemplary in their unwavering commitment to improve our social and political world because of their pure unselfish goodness."