NISAC Publications

2008 Publications

Dependency Indicators
Theresa J. Brown, Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, 2008


2007 Publications

Smallpox over San Diego: Joint Real-Time Federations of Distributed Simulations and Simulation Users under a Common Scenario
John M. Linebarger, Michael Goldsby, Daniel Fellig, Marilyn F. Hawley, Patrick C. Moore, and Timothy J. Sa, Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, June 12-15 2007, San Diego, CA, 7-14
Congestion and cascades in payment systems
Walter E. Beyeler, Robert J. Glass, Morten Bech and Kimmo Soramäki, Physica A, accepted May 2007
Optimizing Investment for Recovery in Interdependent Infrastructures (2006-3760 C)
N Xu, LK Nozick, MA Turnquist, DA Jones, 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, June 2006
The topology of interbank payment flows
Kimmo Soramaki, Morten L. Bech, Jeffrey Arnold, Robert J. Glass, Walter E. Beyeler, Physica A, January 2007
Design of Community Containment for Pandemic Influenza with Loki-Infect (2007-1184 P)
Robert J. Glass, Jason Min, Walter E. Beyeler, Laura Glass, Sandia National Laboratories SAND report, January 2007
Effects of Residential Real-Time Pricing Contracts on Transco Loads, Pricing, and Profitability: Simulations using the N-ABLETM Agent-Based Model (2004-0486 J)
Mark A. Ehlen, Andrew J. Scholand, Kevin L. Stamber, (pre-press) Energy Economics, 2007
Comparative dynamics in an overlapping-generations model: the effects of quasi-rational discrete choice on finding and maintaining Nash equilibrium (2005-7845 J)
James A. Sprigg Jr. and Mark A. Ehlen, Computational Economics, Springer Science and Business Media, 2007
Toward Modeling and simulation of critial national infrastructure interdependencies (2005-4828 J)
J Min, WE Beyler, TH Brown, Y Jun Son, AT Jones, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Transactions (2007) 39, 57-71, special issue on Industrial Engineering and Operations Research in Homeland Security
Modeling the US Natural Gas Network (2006-3152 C)
James Ellison, Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Transactions (2007) 39,


2006 Publications

Targeted Social Distancing Design for Pandemic Influenza
Robert J. Glass, Laura M. Glass, Walter E. Beyeler, H. Jason Min, CDC Journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol 12, #14, November 2006
Congestion and Cascades in Payment Systems
Beyeler, WE, RJ Glass, ML Bech, K Soramäki, Federal Reserve Board of New York Staff report, July 2006
Dynamic Changes in Subscriber Behavior and their Impact on the Telecom Network in Cases of Emergency (2006-3387 C)
A. Jrad, G. O'Reilly, S. Richman, S. Conrad, A. Kelic, 2006
The Topology of Interbank Payment Flows (2006-1984 J)
Soramäki, K, ML Bech, J Arnold, RJ Glass, and WE Beyeler, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports, no. 243, March 2006, JEL class: E59, E58, G1
Multiple Modeling Approaches and Insights for Critical Infrastructure Protection (2006-2827 C)
TJ Brown, NATO Critical Infrastructure Workshop Proceedings, May 2006
An Overview of Energy and Telecommunications Interdependencies Modeling at NISAC (2006-2918 C)
SH Conrad and GP O'Reilly, NATO Critical Infrastructure Workshop Proceedings, May 2006
Representations and Metaphors for the Structure of Synchronous Multimedia Collaboration within Task-Oriented, Time-Constrained Distributed Teams (2005-7725 C)
John M. Linebarger, Andrew J. Scholand, Mark A. Ehlen, Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2006, 0-7695-2507-5/06 (C) 2006 IEEE
Critical Infrastructure Analysis of Telecom for Natural Disasters(2006-1654 C)
O’Reilly, Gerard, Ahmad Jrad, Theresa Brown and Stephen Conrad.  Accepted for publication in Networks 2006
Local Mitigation Strategies for Pandemic Influenza (2005-7955 J)
Glass, R.J., L. Glass, and W.E. Beyeler
Critical National Infrastructure Reliability Modeling and Analysis (2006-3442 J)
SH Conrad, RJ LeClaire, GP O’Reilly, and H Uzunalioglu, Bell Labs Technical Journal, 11(3), 57-71.
Multiple Modeling Approaches and Insights for Critical Infrastructure Protection (2006-2827 C)
Brown, Theresa. Accepted for publication in Computational Models of Risks to Infrastructure, IOS Press.
Sensitivity of the resilience of congested random networks to rolloff and offset in truncated power-law degree distributions (2005-5926 J)
LaViolette, R., W. E. Beyeler, R. J. Glass, K. L. Stamber, and H. Link.  Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol 368, Issue 1, 1 August 2006, pp 287-293.
ReLocATE - Reconfigurable Logic Accelerated Traffic Engine
Gohkale, M., J. Tripp, A. Hansson, H. Mortveit, and M. Nassr.  R&D100 Award Entry.
A Discrete Dynamical Systems Framework for Packet-Flow on Networks
Hansson, A. and C. M. Reidys.  Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics
Percus, A., G. Istrate, and C. Moore (editors).  Santa Fe Institute, Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Oxford University Press.
Finding Minimum Hidden Guard Sets in Polygons -- Tight Approximability Results
Eidenbenz, S.  Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
Mixing Patterns Between Age Groups Using Social Networks
Del Valle, S., J. M. Hyman, H. W. Hethcote, and S. G. Eubank.  LA-UR-05-5296, submitted to Journal of Social Networks
Sequential Dynamical Systems Over Words
Reidys, C. M.  Annals of Combinatorics  In Press.
When Statistical Mechanics Meets Computation
Percus, A., G. Istrate, and C. Moore.  Computational Complexity and Statistical Physics, Oxford University Press.


2005 Publications

Inter-Infrastructure Simulations across Telecom, Power, and Emergency Services
G. O’Reilly, H. Uzunalioglu, S. Conrad, W. Beyeler, Design of Reliable Communications Networks - 5th International Workshop, Winner of the "Best Paper Award"
Thoughts on Critical Infrastructure Collaboration
Andrew J. Scholand, John M. Linebarger, and Mark A. Ehlen Proceedings of the 2005 International ACM SiGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 2005) 6-9 November 2005, Sanibel Island, Florida, 444-445.
Modeling Interdependencies between Power and Economic Sectors using the N-ABLE Agent-Based Model (2005-0484 C)
Ehlen, M.A. and Scholand, A.J., IEEE Conference on Power Systems, San Francisco, July 2005
Simulating Insider Cyber-Threat Risks: A Model-Based Case and a Case-Based Model (2005-2229 C)
Rich, E with I. Martinez-Moyano, S.H. Conrad, D. Cappelli, A. Moore, T. Shimeall, D. Andersen, J. Gonzalez, R. Ellison, H. Lipson, D. Mundie, J. Mari Sarriegi, A. Sawicka, T. Stewart, J. Torres, J. Wiik and E. Weaver, International System Dynamics Conference, Boston, MA
Wireless and Wireline Network Interactions in Disaster Scenarios (2005-3368 C)
Jrad, Ahmad, H. Uzunalioglu, D. J. Houck, G. O’Reilly, S.H. Conrad, and W.E. Beyeler, MILCOM 2005
Modeling interdependencies between power and economic sectors using the N-ABLE agent-based model (2005-0484 C)
Ehlen, MA and Scholand, AJ, Proceedings of Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 2005, IEEE
Integrating Software Architectures for
Distributed Simulations and Simulation (2005-6642)
Analysis Communities
John M. Linebarger, Daniel Fellig, Patrick D. Moore, Mike Goldsby, Marilyn F. Hawley, and Timothy J. Sa, SAND2005-6642
Assessing the Performance of Interdependent Infrastructures and Optimizing Investments (2003-2036 C)
L Nozick, MA Turnquist, DA Jones, JR Davis, CR Lawton; International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 2005, Vol. 1, No 2/3, pp.144-154.
N-Able Overview of Agent and Simulation Architectures (2005-0263)
NISAC Agent-Based Laboratory for Economics (N-ABLE), February 2005.
Simulation of Imperfect Information in Vulnerability Modeling for Infrastructure Facilities (2005-2753 A)
DA Jones, LK Nozick, MA Turnquist, 2005 Winter Simulation Conference
Benefits of Synchronous Collaboration Support for an Application Centered Analysis Team Working on Complex Problems: A Case Study (2005-2483 C)
John M Linebarger, Andrew J Scholand, Mark A Ehlen and Michael J Procopio, Association for Computing Machinery, ACM 1-59593-223-2/05/0011, 2005
A Hybrid CPU/FPGA Implementation of the TRANSIMS Micro-simulator
H. Mortveit, A. Hansson, and J. Tripp, LA-UR-05-4855, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, June 2005.
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding a Maximal Planar Subgraph
Djidjev, H.  SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.
Certain Morphisms of Sequential Dynamical Systems
Reidys, C. M.  Discrete Mathematics, Volume 296 Number 2-3, 245-257.
Combinatorics of TCP Reordering
Hansson, A., G. Istrate, and S. Kasiviswanathan.  LA-UR-05-5522, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. (Under submission to Journal of Combinatorial Optimization).
Complexity and Approximability of Double Digest
Cieliebak, M., S. Eidenbenz, and G. Woeginger.  Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Imperial College Press 3(2), 207-223.
Counting Preimages of TCP Reordering Patterns
Istrate, G. and A. Hansson.   LA-UR-05-8064, Los Alamos National Laboratory, (Currently under submission to Discrete Applied Mathematics).
Economic Models of Electricity Industry Behavior
Flaim, S., J Gavrilov, D. Mitarotonda, and M. Quirk., LAUR-05-4835, Los Alamos.
Effects of Climate Change on California Energy Security
Flaim, S., S. J. Fernandez, and L. Toole.  LAUR-05-0883.
Equilibria in Topology Control games for Ad hoc Networks and Generalizations
Eidenbenz, S., S. Zust, V.S. Anil Kumar, and A. Vullikanti.  Mobile Networking (MONET) Special Issue on DIALM-POMC 2003.
Generalized APP Detection of Continuous Phase Modulation over Unknown ISI Channels
Hansson, A. and T. Aulin.  IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 53, 1615-1619.
Infrastructure robustness for multi-scale critical missions
Quirk, M.D., and S. J. Fernandez.  Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Response, Online, Vol. 2.
Neutral Evolution and Mutation Rates of Sequential Dynamical Systems
Mortveit, H.S. and C.M. Reidys.  Advances in Complex Systems, Volume 7, Number 2-3, pp. 395-418.
On a Certain Class of Morphisms of Sequential Dynamical Systems
Reidys, C.M.; Discrete Mathematics.
On Asynchronous Cellular Automata
Hansson, A., H. Mortveit, and C. M. Reidys.  Advances in Complex Systems, Vol. 8, 521-538.
Parametric Probabilistic Sensor Network Routing
Barrett, C.L., S. Eidenbenz, L. Kroc, M. Marathe, and J.P. Smith.  MONET 2005 10(4), 529-544.
Partial Digest is Hard to Solve for Erroneous Input Data
Cieliebak, M., S. Eidenbenz, and P. Penna.  Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 349,  Issue 3, 361-381.
Probabilistic Multi-Path vs. Deterministic Single-Path Protocols for Dynamic Ad-hoc Network Scenarios
Barrett, C.L., S. Eidenbenz, L. Kroc, M. V. Marathe, and J. P. Smith.  ACM SAC 2005, 1166-1173.
Spines of Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Definition and Connection with Computational Complexity
Istrate, G., A. Percus, and S. Boettcher.  Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 44(2005), 353-372.
Supercomputing Applications:  Urban Road Traffic Simulation
Hansson, A., H. Mortveit, and J. Tripp. 
Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
M. Gokhale and P. Graham, Editors, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Threshold Properties of Random Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Istrate, G.  Discrete Applied Mathematics, 153, issues 1-3,  1-182.
Toward the Embedding of Market Strategies into Existing Electric Power Solvers
Flaim, S. and M. Quirk.  LA-UR-05-4899, Los Alamos.


2004 Publications

Advanced Simulation for Analysis of Critical Infrastructure: Abstract Cascades, the Electric power grid, and Fedwire (2004-4239)
Robert J. Glass, Walt E. Beyeler, and Kevin L. Stamber
Assessing Infrastructure Interdependencies: The Challenge of Risk Analysis for Complex Adaptive Systems (2001-3677 J)
Brown, T., W.E. Beyeler, and D. Barton.  International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 1(1), 108-117.
Preliminary System Dynamics Maps of the Insider Cyber-threat Problem
D. Anderson, D.M. Cappelli, J.J. Gonzalez, M. Mojtahedzadeh, A.P. Moore, E. Rich, J.M. Sarriegui, T.J. Shimeall, J.M. Stanton, E.A. Weaver, A. Zagonel, International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Oxford, England
The Dynamics of Agricultural Commodities and Their Responses to Disruptions of Considerable Magnitude (2004-1632 C)
Conrad, S. H., International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Oxford, England
Inter-Infrastructure Modeling – Ports and Telecommunications (2004-0727 J)
Beyeler, W. E., S. H. Conrad, T.F. Corbet, G.O. O’Reilly, and D. D. Picklesimer.  Bell Labs Technical Journal 9(2), 91-105.
Distance-2-Matchings of Random Graphs
Reidys, C.M.  Annals of Combinatorics, 8:93-101.
Physical Security and Vulnerability at Airports
Eubank, S., H. Guclu, V.S. Anil Kumar, M. Marathe, A. Srinivasan, Z. Toroczkai and N. Wang.  Nature, 429, 180-184.
Modeling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks
Eubank, S., H. Guclu, V.S. Anil Kumar, M. Marathe, A. Srinivasan, Z. Toroczkai and N. Wang.  Nature, 429, 180-184.
On the satisfiability of random k-Horn formulas in Graphs, Morphisms and Statistical Physics
Istrate G.  AMS-DIMACS series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 113-136.
Reduction of Discrete Dynamical Systems
Mortveit, H..S., and C.M. Reidys.  Advances in Complex Systems, 7 (1), 1-20.
IDSim: An Extensible Framework for Interoperable Distributed Simulation
Fitzgibbons, B., Fujimoto, R., Fellig, D., Kleban, S., and Scholand, A., in proceddings of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2004), July 6-9, 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Developing Federation Object Models Using Ontologies
Rathnam, T and Paredis, JJ, Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference
The distance-2 matching problem and its relationship to the MAC-layer capacity of ad hoc networks
Balakrishnan, H., C. Barrett, V. S. Anil Kumar, M. Marathe, and S. Thite. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 22(6), pp 1069-1079.
Utility Outage Area Assessment Under Emergency Conditions
Toole, L., S. Linger, T. McPherson, and A. McCown.  LAUR-04-4425


2003 Publications

How Do We Increase Port Security Without Imperiling Maritime Commerce? Using Flight Simulators and Workshops to Begin the Discussion?
SH Conrad, WE Beyeler, R Thomas, TF Corbet, TJ Brown, G Hirsch, C Hatzi, International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, New York City, New York
Defining Research and Development Directions for Modeling and Simulation of Complex, Interdependent Adaptive Infrastructures (2003-1778)
Robert J Glass, Walter E Beyeler, Stephen H Conrad, Nancy S Brodsky, Paul G Kaplan, and Theresa J Brown