
Kent Fuchs

Office of the Provost

Maintaining and enhancing the university's excellence in teaching, research, scholarship and outreach.

Professor consulting with a student over papers

The university has been a leader in women's and minority rights since 1870, when Cornell was the only major university in the eastern United States to admit women.

Three students studying at a library table

The School of Industrial and Labor Relations' Catherwood Library has the foremost academic collection on the workplace in the United States.

Student holding up a piece of artwork and talking

Eighty-five percent of all campus art shows feature student work.

Student posing in front of mechanical lab equipment

About 800 (out of 4,300) students in the College of Arts and Sciences are engaged in undergraduate research or independent study.

Architecture professor examining a wood model

Professor John Zissovici explores how architectural ideas and production are influenced by digital imaging and computer simulation.

Student intently looking at a computer screen

Cornell has widespread access to computer labs and wireless connections to the Internet.

Undergraduate Major Fields of Study

Cornell offers nearly 80 formal major fields, listed below, as well as challenging dual-degree programs and a score of interdisciplinary majors that cross traditional departmental boundaries.

Africana Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Agricultural Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
American Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Animal Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences
Applied Economics and Management College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Archaeology College of Arts and Sciences
Architecture College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Asian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Astronomy College of Arts and Sciences
Atmospheric Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Biological Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Engineering
Biological Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Biology and Society College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Human Ecology
Biometry and Statistics College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Chemical Engineering College of Engineering
Chemistry and Chemical Biology College of Arts and Sciences
China and Asia-Pacific Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Civil Engineering College of Engineering
Classics (Greek, Latin) College of Arts and Sciences
College Scholar Program College of Arts and Sciences
Communication College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Comparative Literature College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science College of Arts and Sciences
College of Engineering
Dance College of Arts and Sciences
Design and Environmental Analysis College of Human Ecology
Development Sociology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Economics College of Arts and Sciences
Education, Agricultural Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering
Engineering Physics College of Engineering
English College of Arts and Sciences
Entomology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Environmental Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Engineering
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Fiber Science and Apparel Design College of Human Ecology
Film College of Arts and Sciences
Fine Arts College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Food Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
French College of Arts and Sciences
German Area Studies College of Arts and Sciences
German (Literature and Culture) College of Arts and Sciences
Government College of Arts and Sciences
History College of Arts and Sciences
History of Architecture (transfer students only) College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
History of Art College of Arts and Sciences
Hotel Administration School of Hotel Administration
Human Biology, Health and Society College of Human Ecology
Human Development College of Human Ecology
Independent Major College of Arts and Sciences
Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Information Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Engineering
International Agriculture and Rural Development College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Italian College of Arts and Sciences
Landscape Architecture College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Linguistics College of Arts and Sciences
Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering
Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences
Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering
Music College of Arts and Sciences
Natural Resources College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Near Eastern Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Nutritional Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Human Ecology
Operations Research and Information Engineering College of Engineering
Philosophy College of Arts and Sciences
Physics College of Arts and Sciences
Plant Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Policy Analysis and Management College of Human Ecology
Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
Religious Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Russian College of Arts and Sciences
Science and Technology Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Science of Earth Systems College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Engineering
Science of Natural and Environmental Systems College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Sociology College of Arts and Sciences
Spanish College of Arts and Sciences
Theatre Arts College of Arts and Sciences
Urban and Regional Studies College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Viticulture and Enology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences