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Amber Waves: The Conomics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America

February 2006

| United States Department of Agriculture | Economic Research Service
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publication cover - program of research on the economics of invasive species management, fiscal 2003-2005 activities

Research Program on Invasive Species

ERS recently released a report, Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management: Fiscal 2003-2005 Activities. The report provides an overview of ERS’s initiative to improve the economic understanding of policy and decisionmaking related to invasive species problems, policies, and programs. The report summarizes the 26 extramural research projects funded through PREISM’s competitive awards process, as well as ERS research on soybean rust and other invasive species issues over the past 3 years. The report also describes ERS’s active outreach strategy for dissemination of PREISM research findings to key stakeholders. Craig Osteen, and Donna Roberts

photo - two frmers using a laptop in the field

New ERS Briefing Room on Farm Household Well-being

To understand farm household well-being, one must shift from the traditional focus on farm sector income to the total income received by the household. Today, farm business income is shared with contractors, landlords, and other investors, and farming is only one of several economic activities—including off-farm employment, nonfarm businesses, and other investment activities—in which farm households participate. For a more complete understanding of farm household well-being, it is important to consider farm household wealth, as well as total household income. A new briefing room on the ERS website, “Farm Household Economics and Well-being”, synthesizes the latest information from various data sources on farm household labor and demographic characteristics; farm household income; farm household assets, debt, and net worth; and composite measures of farm household well-being. Ashok Mishra

Hispanics in Rural America

publication - rural hispanics at a  glance

Rural Hispanics At A Glance (EIB-8), the latest in a series of ERS reports on conditions and trends in rural areas, is based primarily on data from the 2000 Census and provides recent demographic and socioeconomic indicators for Hispanics living in nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) areas. After nearly doubling in population from 1.4 million in 1980 to 2.7 million in 2000, Hispanics in rural and small-town America now represent the most rapidly growing segment of the population in nonmetro counties. This growth has helped to stem decades of small-town population decline and to revitalize many rural communities. This six-page brochure incorporates short analyses with colorful charts and maps on key indicators of the rural Hispanic population to inform and assist public officials, community organizations, rural development specialists, and others in their efforts to enhance the economic opportunities and quality of life for this rapidly growing population. William Kandel

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