2009 Budget Continues the Commitment to Healthy Lands

Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne launched the Healthy Lands Initiative (HLI) in 2007 to accelerate land restoration, increase productivity, and improve the health of public lands in the Western United States. The goal of the Initiative is to preserve the diversity and productivity of public and private lands across the landscape. The Initiative will enable and encourage local BLM managers to set priorities across a broader scale and mitigate impacts to an array of resources in ways not previously available to them.

The President’s 2009 budget includes an increase of $10 million for HLI over the level enacted in Fiscal Year 2008. The effort has focused on landscape-level restoration effort on southwest Wyoming; northwest and southeast portions of New Mexico; south-central Idaho; southwest Colorado; Utah; and a three-corner area of Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada. In FY 2009, areas in northwest Colorado and parts of California would be added.

The BLM has prepared 2-page fact sheets on each of the projects in the Initiative, as well as a National fact sheet. Each includes maps and details on the region, as well as funding plans. To download these fact sheets, click on the one of the links below.

Healthy Lands Initiative Fact Sheets

Updated with Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Information


NEW: California Healthy Lands Initiative

NEW AREA: Colorado Landscape Conservation

New Mexico Landscape Restoration--Permian Basin
New Mexico Landscape Restoration--San Juan Basin
Oregon-Idaho-Nevada Shrub Steppe Restoration 

Southern Idaho - Snake River Plain

Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative  
Wyoming--Green River Basin 

For a low-resolution version of all the fact sheets for viewing on a computer screen, select this link. (1.7 Mb


Additional Healthy Lands Initiative Resources

DOI News Release: Proposed FY2009 Budget Continues Commitment to Healthy Lands Initiative (2/04/2008)

Restore New Mexico Home Page

BLM Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush Habitat Conservation

Last Updated: 4/30/2008