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Victims' Right Support Service (VRSS) - Help for Victims of Crime

Victim Rights Support Service (VRSS)


The Victims' Bill of Rights (VBR)

The Victims' Bill of Rights (VBR) came into effect in 2001. This legislation specifies the rights of victims of the most serious crimes (see Understanding The Victims' Bill of Rights (133Kb PDF)). The bill ensures crime victims' rights are recognized and protected in their dealings with police, prosecutors, courts and corrections officials.

The Victim Rights Support Service deals with criminal court cases involving victims of serious crimes as defined under The Victims' Bill of Rights. Your crime victim services worker will assist you during the court process and talk to the Crown attorney about your concerns.

How do I receive services under The Victims' Bill of Rights?

Crime victim services workers explain the rights and services available to victims of the most serious crimes. They will guide you through the process of dealing with police, prosecutions, courts and corrections officials. Your worker will advise you about your options, rights and responsibilities under the bill.

Victim Rights Support Service helps victims who qualify for services by:

  • helping them register for their rights under the VBR

  • explaining when and how they may exercise their rights

  • providing information about the prosecution and results of the case against the accused

  • providing court support and information, when possible


Do I need a lawyer?

A Crown attorney is assigned to present your case in court, at no cost to you. You do not need to hire a lawyer.

Victim Impact Statement

Victim Impact Statements apply to all victims of crime and allow victims to tell the court how they have been affected by the crime. For more information, please visit the Victim Impact Statement Program area of our site.


Understanding the Victims' Bill of Rights (168Kb PDF)

Victims Bill of Rights (154Kb PDF)

Registration Guidelines (55Kb PDF)

Victims' Rights and the Role of Law Enforcement (171Kb PDF)

Victims' Rights and the Role of Prosecutions (149Kb PDF)

You have received a Subpoena (769Kb PDF)

Victims' Rights and Complaints Process (181Kb PDF)

Victims' Rights and The Role of Corrections (168Kb PDF)

Victims' Rights and the Role of the Courts (169Kb PDF)

A Victim's Guide to Speaking with the Media (110 Kb PDF)

Aurora Family Therapy Centre (Funded by Justice)

Manitoba Organization of Victims Advocates (MOVA) (Funded by Justice)



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