Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"

Aquatic Nuisance Species

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The Service’s Fisheries Program provides leadership in preventing, eradicating, and controlling invasive species through its Aquatic Nuisance Species coordinators.

The coordinators work closely with the public and private sector to develop and implement ways to control or eradicate invasive species.

Invasive species in the Southwest are potentially damaging to the environment, businesses, and recreation. These include giant salvinia, New Zealand mudsnail, zebra mussel, and brown tree snake.

The Aquatic Nuisance Species coordinators strive to increase awareness of invasive species through education, coordinating management activities with other federal and state agencies, and private entities.

An informed public is key to preventing the spread of unwanted organisims. Prevention is less costly than eradication.

Silver Carp image
Silver Carp

Bob Pitman, ANS Coordinator
USFWS -- Division of Fisheries
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103
Phone: 505/248-6865
Fax: 248-6845


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Last updated: October 28, 2008
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