Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"

Uvalde National Fish Hatchery

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Uvalde National Fish Hatchery is presently undergoing extensive reconstruction, which is due to finish in December 2006.

This facility will raise imperiled fishes, such as the fountain darter, Comanche Springs pupfish, and Devils River minnow.

The endangered Texas wildrice will be held at the hatchery as a refuge from threats faced by the native rice plants in the San Marcos River.

Other fishes that may be raised at Uvalde in the future include Guadalupe bass, the official state fish of Texas, and paddlefish.

yaqui catfish

Yaqui Catfish

Grant Webber, Manager
754 County Road 203
Uvalde, TX 78801
Phone: 830/278-2419
Fax: 830/278-6042

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Last updated: October 28, 2008
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