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Congress Overrides Veto of Important Medicare Legislation

By overwhelming majorities on July 15, both the House and Senate overrode the president’s veto of an important Medicare bill that reverses a 10.6 percent cut in payments to physicians and provides billions of dollars to rural healthcare providers.  This was an important vote for our North Dakota seniors as this Medicare package provides at least $49 million over the next 18 months to help ensure that our North Dakota health care providers have the resources they need to provide quality, affordable health care.

By reversing the president’s veto, Congress has ensured that seniors will still have access to their doctors and doctors will still be able to provide top-notch care.

This bill, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, included key rural healthcare provisions secured Congressman Pomeroy and based on language authored by Pomeroy from the Health Care Access and Rural Equity (H-CARE) Act to benefit rural physicians, pharmacies, ambulances and hospitals across North Dakota.  Those provisions will allow rural hospitals across North Dakota to receive higher reimbursement rates, ensure that pharmacists are paid promptly by prescription drug plans and allow nursing homes to provide telehealth services.  Pomeroy also secured a program that will help ensure the future viability of hospitals in Dickinson and Richardton.

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