Congressman Todd Akin, Representing the 2nd District of Missoure, Skip Navigation Links

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  Hon. Todd Akin
  117 Cannon House Office Bldg.
  Washington, D.C. 20515

  (202) 225-2561
  (202) 225-2563 (fax)

  St. Louis Office
  301 Sovereign Court, Suite 201
  St. Louis, MO. 63011

  (314)-590-0037 (fax)

  St. Charles Office
  820 S. Main, Suite 206
  St. Charles, MO. 63301

  (636)-949-3832 (fax)

Breaking News

January 13, 2009: Akin Tapped as Ranking Member of Sea Power Subcommittee

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), has been tapped to be the lead Republican on the House Armed Services, Sea Power ...(read more)

January 9, 2009: Akin Votes to Re-Affirm U.S. Support for Israel

Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO) today voted for H. Res. 34, expressing support for the State of Israel in its ...(read more)

Go to all Press Releases

Policy Papers

  • Immigration
    See Todd Akin's policies on Immigration, Border Security, Amnesty and a Guest Worker Program.

  • Health Care
    Todd Akin Explains What Good Health Care Legislation Should Look Like.


Congressman Akin opposes the Federal Bailout

Akin on Energy

Akin in Action

» Akin EA-18 Growler

Rep. Akin at podium speaking

» UMSL Student Freed

UMSL Student image

» Rails to Trails

Rep. Akin speaking

» Expediting Passports

Constituents holding thier passports

» Christian Statesman Award

Rep. Akin receiving award

» Flag Presentation

Flag presentation