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Classify works on ophthalmic nursing in WY 158.


  WW 1-100 Reference Works. General Works
  WW 101-170 Eye
      WW 101-113 Anatomy. Physiology. Hygiene
      WW 140-160 Diseases. Color Perception
      WW 166-170 Therapeutics. Eye Banks
  WW 202-290 Eye Structures
  WW 300-340 Refraction. Errors of Refraction
  WW 350-358 Corrective Devices
  WW 400-460 Neuromuscular Mechanism. Neurologic Manifestations of Disease
  WW 475-480 Manifestations of Disease. Poor Vision
  WW 505-525 Occupational Ophthalmology. Eye Injuries
  WW 600-620 Age Groups
  WW 704-722.1 Optometry

Reference Works. General Works
WW 1
Societies (Cutter from name of institution)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Includes ephemeral membership lists issued serially or separately. Classify substantial lists with directories. Classify annual reports, journals, etc., in W1.
Collected works (General)
WW 5
By several authors
WW 7
By individual authors
WW 9
Addresses. Essays. Lectures (General)
WW 11
History of ophthalmology and optometry (Table G)
WW 11.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
WW 13
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 15
Classification. Terminology
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 16
Tables. Statistics
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify tables used in optical dispensing calculations in WW 352.
WW 17
Atlases. Pictorial works
Classify here also atlases on a specific part of the eye.
WW 18
Classify here works about education.
WW 18.2
Educational materials
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, catalogs, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.
WW 19
Schools and colleges
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc., in W 19.5.
WW 20
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WW 21
Ophthalmology as a profession. Ethics. Peer review
Classify works on optometry and opticianry in WW 721.
WW 21.5
Ophthalmic assistants
WW 22
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Classify directories of optometrists and/or opticians in WW 722.
WW 22.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
Laboratories, institutes, eye banks, etc.
WW 23
WW 24
Individual (Cutter from name of institution)
Classify works on organ banks in WO 23-24; works on tissue banks in QS 23-24.
WW 25
Laboratory manuals. Technique
WW 26
Equipment and supplies
Classify catalogs in W 26.
WW 26.5
Informatics. Automatic data processing. Computers (General)
Classify works on use for special subjects by subject.
Hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc.
WW 27
Collective (Table G)
WW 27.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
WW 28
Individual (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table G)
Museums, exhibitions, etc.
WW 28.5
WW 28.6
Individual (Cutter from name of museum, etc.)
WW 32
Laws. Estimation of disability for compensation (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 32.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 33
Discussion of law (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 33.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 39
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 80
Popular works (General)
WW 100
General works
Classify works on specialty and on the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on diseases alone in WW 140.


Anatomy. Physiology. Hygiene
WW 101
Anatomy. Histology. Embryology. Biochemistry. Abnormalities
WW 103
Physiology of the eye. Vision (General)
WW 105
Visual perception. Space perception
Cf. WW 150 Color perception.
WW 109
Ocular accommodation. Ocular adaptation
WW 113
Hygiene. Eye protective devices
Cf. WW 80 Popular works.

Diseases. Color Perception
WW 140
Eye diseases. Vision disorders (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on eye infections or hypersensitivity diseases in WW 160.
WW 141
Examination. Diagnosis. Diagnostic methods (General). Monitoring
Classify works on the examination of a part with the part.
WW 143
Objective methods
(e.g., Ophthalmoscopy. Slit lamp microscopy. Tonometry)
Classify works on electronystagmography in WW 410; on electroretinography in WW 270; on gonioscopy in WW 210; on retinography in WW 300.
WW 145
Subjective methods. Evaluation of function
(e.g., Visual acuity testing. Perimetry)
WW 149
Classify works on neoplasms of parts of the eye with the part.
WW 150
Color perception. Color blindness
Cf. WW 105 Visual perception
WW 160
Eye infections. Hypersensitivity diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify here diseases or infections whether caused by bacteria, parasites, or viruses or hypersensitivity. Classify works on eye diseases in general in WW 140.

Therapeutics. Eye Banks
WW 166
Ocular therapeutics
Cf. WW 168 Ophthalmological surgery.
WW 168
Ophthalmological surgery (General)
Classify works on surgery for a particular disorder with the disorder. Cf. WW 340 Refractive surgery.
WW 170
Eye bank procedures (including those for specific parts of the eye)
Classify material on eye banks in WW 23-24.

Eye Structures
WW 202
WW 205
Eyelids. Eyebrows
Cf. WR 390-465 Skin appendage diseases.
WW 208
Lacrimal apparatus
WW 210
Anterior chamber. Posterior chamber. Aqueous humor (Eyeball)
WW 212
WW 215
WW 220
WW 230
WW 240
Uvea. Iris. Ciliary body
WW 245
WW 250
Vitreous body
WW 260
Crystalline lens. Cataract
WW 270
WW 276
Blindness. Amblyopia
WW 280
Optic nerve
WW 290

Refraction. Errors of Refraction
WW 300
General works
WW 310
WW 320
WW 340
Refractive surgery

Corrective Devices
WW 350
Optical dispensing. Spectacle fitting. Opticianry
Classify works on optometry and opticianry as specialties in WW 704-722.1.
WW 352
Principles. Calculations. Tables
WW 354
Frames. Eyeglasses
Classify works on intraocular lenses in WW 358 or if exclusively for cataract therapy, in WW 260.
WW 355
Contact lenses
WW 358

Neuromuscular Mechanism. Neurologic Manifestations of Disease
WW 400
General works
WW 405
Orthoptics (General)
WW 410
Disorders of ocular motility
WW 415
WW 460
Disorders due to diseases of the central nervous system. Neurologic manifestations of eye diseases (General)

Manifestations of Disease. Poor Vision
WW 475
Eye manifestations of general disease
Classify works on eye manifestations of specific diseases with disease.
WW 480
Medical aspects of reading problems associated with poor vision.

Occupational Ophthalmology. Eye Injuries
WW 505
Occupational ophthalmology
WW 525
Foreign bodies. Injuries. Toxic injuries

Age Groups
WW 600
Pediatric ophthalmology and optometry
Classify works on particular disorders with the disorder.
WW 620
Geriatric ophthalmology and optometry
Classify works on particular disorders with the disorder.

WW 704
General works. Office management
Classify works on the specific functions of the optometrist in the WW number for the function; on functions of the optician in WW 350-355.
WW 721
Optometry and opticianry as professions. Ethics. Peer review
Classify works on history of the professions in WW 11-11.1.
WW 722
Directories (Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WW 722.1
General coverage (Not Table G)
(Used for both monographs and serials)

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