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Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.

The WD schedule consists of a series of small tables which deal with subjects that cannot be readily integrated into other schedules because of the underlying framework of the Classification.

  • Classify works on history or societies in the general number for each table.


  WD 100-175 Nutrition Disorders
  WD 200-226 Metabolic Diseases
      WD 200-200.1 General Metabolic Diseases
      WD 200.5-214 Specific Metabolic Diseases
      WD 220-226 Water-Electrolyte Imbalance
  WD 300-380 Immunologic and Collagen Diseases. Hypersensitivity
  WD 400-430 Animal Poisons
  WD 500-530 Plant Poisons
  WD 600-670 Disorders and Injuries of Environmental Origin
  WD 700-745 Aviation Medicine
  WD 750-758 Space Medicine
  WD 800 Naval Medicine

Nutrition Disorders

Classify works on nutrition disorders in infancy and childhood in WS 115-130; in the aged in WT 115.
WD 100
General works
Classify here works on particular nutrition disorders not included below or elsewhere classified.
WD 101
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 105
Deficiency diseases (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on deficiency of hormones in WK; on deficiencies as etiological factors in particular diseases with the disease.
WD 110
Vitamin A deficiency
(e.g., Night blindness)
WD 120
Vitamin B deficiency
WD 122
Thiamine deficiency
(e.g., Beriberi)
WD 124
Riboflavin deficiency
WD 126
WD 140
Ascorbic acid deficiency
(e.g., Scurvy)
WD 145
Vitamin D deficiency
(e.g., Rickets)
WD 150
Vitamin E deficiency
WD 155
Vitamin K deficiency
WD 175
Celiac disease. Sprue

Metabolic Diseases

General Metabolic Diseases
WD 200
General works
Classify works on diabetes and related conditions in WK; on achlorhydria in WI 308.
WD 200.1
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)

Specific Metabolic Diseases
WD 200.5
Specific diseases or groups of diseases not classified elsewhere, A-Z
WD 200.5.C2
Calcium metabolism disorders
Classify works on deficiency diseases in WD 100-175.
WD 200.5.G6
Glucose metabolism disorders
Classify works on diabetes mellitus in WK 810-850.
WD 200.5.H5
WD 200.5.H8
Lipid metabolism disorders
Classify inborn errors in WD 205.5.L5.
WD 200.5.H9
WD 200.5.I7
Iron metabolism disorders
WD 200.5.M2
Malabsorption syndromes
Classify works on celiac disease and sprue in WD 175. Classify works for the gastroenterologist in WI 500.
WD 200.5.M6
Mitochondrial diseases
WD 200.5.P4
Phosphorus metabolism disorders
WD 200.5.P7
Protein-losing enteropathies
WD 205
Inborn errors of metabolism (General)
Classify works on the hemolytic anemias in WH 170; on chronic idiopathic jaundice in WI 703; on errors of renal tubular transport in WJ 301.
WD 205.5
Specific errors or groups of errors not elsewhere classified, A-Z
WD 205.5.A5
Amino acid metabolism
Classify works on albinism in WR 265.
WD 205.5.A6
WD 205.5.C2
Carbohydrate metabolism
WD 205.5.H9
Hyperbilirubinemia, Hereditary
WD 205.5.L5
Lipid metabolism
WD 205.5.M3
Metal metabolism (General)
Classify works on specific disorders separately.
WD 205.5.M4
WD 205.5.P2
Paralyses, Familial periodic
WD 205.5.P6
WD 205.5.P8
Purine-pyrimidine metabolism
Classify works on gout in WE 350.
WD 205.5.X2
WD 210
Overweight. Obesity
Classify works on reducing diets here or in WD 212 below.
WD 212
Popular works
WD 214
Adiposis dolorosa. Lipomatosis. Lipodystrophy
Classify works on panniculitis in WR 220; on lipochondrodystrophy in WD 205.5.C2.

Water-Electrolyte Imbalance
WD 220
Water-electrolyte imbalance. Acid-base imbalance
Classify works on water-electrolyte balance and acid base equilibrium in QU 105.
WD 222
Classify works on diabetic acidosis in WK 830; on renal tubular acidosis in WJ 301; on respiratory acidosis in WF 140.
WD 226

Immunologic and Collagen Diseases. Hypersensitivity

This schedule is for works on diseases that are largely systemic. Classify works on the hematologic diseases in WH; on disorders associated with transplantation in WO 680; on phagocytic bactericidal dysfunction and associated conditions in QW 690.
WD 300
General works
Classify works on asthma in WF 553; on hay fever in WV 335; on dermatitis in WR 160; on respiratory hypersensitivity in WF 150.
WD 301
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 305
Autoimmune diseases (General)
WD 308
Immune complex disease. Immunologic deficiency syndromes (General or not elsewhere classified)
Classify works on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other HIV infections in WC 503-503.7.
WD 310
Food hypersensitivity
WD 320
Drug hypersensitivity
WD 330
Serum sickness
WD 375
Collagen diseases and other connective tissue diseases (General)
Cf. WE 346 Rheumatoid arthritis; WG 240 Rheumatic heart disease; WC 220 Rheumatic fever; WG 518 Periarteritis nodosa; WG 520 Thromboangiitis obliterans; WD 380 Lupus erythematosus, Systemic; WR 260 Scleroderma, Systemic.
WD 380
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Cf. WR 152 Cutaneous lupus; WR 245 Lupus vulgaris.

Animal Poisons

Classify here works about animal poisons, poisonous animals, and bites and stings (general or not elsewhere classified). Classify works about diseases caused by animals with the disease.
WD 400
General works
WD 401
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 405
Marine forms
WD 410
WD 420
Spiders. Scorpions. Centipedes. Leeches
WD 430

Plant Poisons

Classify here works about toxic plants and plant poisoning (general or not elsewhere classified). Classify works about specific plants and diseases caused by plants under the plant or disease.
WD 500
General works
Cf. QV 627 Organic poisons.
WD 501
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 505
WD 515
WD 520
Mushroom poisoning
WD 530
Milk sickness

Disorders and Injuries of Environmental Origin
WD 600
General works
Classify material on burns in WO 704; on blast injuries in WO 820; on radiation injuries in WN 610.
WD 601
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 602
Electric injuries
WD 605
Non-ionizing radiation injuries (General)
WD 610
Heat exhaustion. Sunstroke
WD 630
Motion sickness
(e.g., Seasickness. Airsickness)
WD 640
Vibration disorders (General)
Classify works on vibration as a cause of disease in QZ 57; on aviation effects in WD 735; on control in industry in WA 470; on therapeutic use in WB 535.
WD 650
High air pressure. Submarine medicine
WD 655
Cf. WF 143 Respiratory symptoms; WD 715 Aviation medicine.
WD 670
Classify here works written for the practicing physician, such as those on diagnosis, treatment, etc. Classify works on pathogenesis of hypothermia in QZ 57; studies of normal physiological effects of cold in QT 160; on induced hypothermia in WO 350.

Aviation Medicine

Classify works combining both atmospheric and space flight in WD 700-745; on Space flight alone in WD 750-758. Classify here works on diseases associated with high altitude on earth as well as in the air.
WD 700
General works
Classify material on aerotitis media in WV 232; on vision in WW.
WD 701
Handbooks. Resource guides
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 703
Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Used for both monographs and serials)
WD 704
Research (General)
Classify here works about research in general, in aviation medicine alone or in aviation medicine and space medicine combined. Classify works about research in space medicine alone in WD 751. Classify works about research on a particular subject, by subject.
WD 705
Personnel selection and fitness. Physical standards
WD 710
Altitude effects
WD 712
Decompression sickness
WD 715
Anoxia. Inert gas narcosis
WD 720
Speed. Acceleration. Deceleration. Gravitation. Rotation
(e.g., G force)
Classify works on airsickness in WD 630.
WD 730
Psychological aspects
(e.g., Fear. Stress)
WD 735
Fatigue. Effect of noise. Effect of vibration
WD 740
Aviation accidents. Protective devices
WD 745
Aviation dentistry

Space Medicine
WD 750
General works (including works on broad aspects of space flight)
WD 751
Research (General)
Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.
WD 751.6
Informatics. Automatic data processing. Computers (General)
Classify works on use for special subjects by subject.
WD 752
Physiological aspects
WD 754
Psychological aspects
(e.g., Fear. Stress)
WD 756
Closed ecological systems
WD 758
Extraterrestrial environment

Naval Medicine
WD 800
General works

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