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National Center for Environmental Innovation

The National Center for Environmental Innovation promotes new ways to achieve better environmental results. Working in partnership with other EPA programs, States, businesses, communities and other interested parties, NCEI focuses on:

  • Creating a results-oriented regulatory system
  • Promoting environmental stewardship across society
  • Building capacity for innovative problem solving
  • NCEI is working to bring about the next generation of environmental protection, one that focuses more on results and less on process; emphasizes environmental protection, not just pollution control; and takes a comprehensive rather than piece meal approach to problem-solving. This environmental protection system we envision - and are working toward - would use more market-based incentives that link environmental and economic objectives. It would also provide better information and meaningful opportunities for public involvement in decision-making.

    NCEI Organization

    NCEI is located in EPA's Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation.

    NCEI supports the full cycle of innovation - from identification of new ideas to evaluation to scale up:



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