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Volume 70, Number 1, January 2008


From the President

Todd Carter ... 3


Teachers Who Won’t, Don’t or Can’t Teach Evolution Properly: A Burning Issue

Jason R. Wiles   Glenn Branch … 6


ABT Online


Using Profile Projects To Pull Together Concepts

A creative and exciting alternative to tests and quizzes.

Jerome A. Krueger   Robert K. Noyd


Using a Passing Game To Teach Nerve Conduction

A hot potato approach to teaching nerve signal transmission.

Ann Gathers … 11


Using Presidential Elections To Engage Students in Science Issues

Which presidential candidates know their science? Have students dig deeper to find out.

Jeffrey Scott Coker   Anna Johnson …13


Night Gallery
: An Innovative Multimedia Strategy for Delivering a General Microbiology Lecture

Use drama and graphic art to teach a microbiology lecture involving historical, ethical, and biological concepts.

John Dahl   Phil Mixter …23


Use of the Published Lance Armstrong Cancer Story to Teach Health Science Content to High School Students

A mini-course in cancer biology.

E. Robert Burns … 17



CRITTERS! A Realistic Simulation for Teaching Evolutionary Biology

Students study microevolutionary forces using digital organisms in a virtual world.

Luke G. Latham II   Erik P. Scully … 30


Using a Guided Inquiry Approach in the Traditional Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory

Making the vertebrate anatomy lab more like real science.

Debra Meuler …35


A Coral Reef as an Analogical Model To Promote Collaborative Learning on Cultural & Ethnic Diversity in Science

Exploring scientific endeavors of women, minorities, and non-western cultures.

Robert W. Yost   Edward L. F. Gonzalez … 39


Take a Trip to the Biobank

Students examine issues surrounding human genetic databanks.

William P. Baker   Carleton Buck Jones   Elizabeth Hull … 44


Biology Today

Plants in Production

Maura C. Flannery, Department Editor ... 51


Classroom Technology Reviews

José Vázquez, Department Editor ... 55


Book Reviews
Meghan Guinnee, Department Editor ... 56



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