Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES)

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES), the official journal of the AAHPERD Research Consortium, will be offering both print and online formats to all subscribers. AAHPERD members who subscribe to RQES will receive the journal both in print and online. Members who don’t already receive RQES can add it to their publication selection for only $25 per year. Libraries and other institutions now have the option to select print only, online only, or print/online combo subscriptions.

Research Quarterly


Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES) is a highly respected professional journal offering the latest research in the art and science of human movement studies. This comprehensive professional journal features articles and research notes encompassing such topic areas as biomechanics, epidemiology, growth and motor development, motor control and learning, measurement and evaluation, physiology, pedagogy, psychology, history and philosophy, and sociology/cultural anthropology. An excellent research tool, this journal is a must-have for researchers and university students preparing for careers in exercise and sport science. RQES works with the Research Consortium to bring readers the up-to-date research in areas related to movement science.

The journal publishes over 50 papers per year in four issues (March, June, September, & December), an annual index (in the December issue), and an annual supplement, containing approximately 250 abstracts of presentations from the Research Consortium program at the AAHPERD National Convention.


To publish refereed research articles on the art and science of human movement, which contributes to the knowledge and development of theory, either as new information, substantiation or contradiction of previous findings, or application of new or improved techniques.

*Rates effective beginning with Vol. 80, No. 1 (March 2009)

U.S. & Canada
— Institutions, schools, and libraries: $295/year (print AND online combo)
— Institutions, schools, and libraries: $260/year (print only OR online only)
— Non-member individuals ( print AND online combo; available only to individuals, paying on their own and having the journal sent to a home address): $105/year
(Canadian subscribers add 5% GST)

Foreign (Outside U.S. & Canada)
— Institutions, schools, and libraries: $307/year ( print AND online combo)
— Institutions, schools, and libraries: $272/year (print only; price includes postage)
— Institutions, schools, and libraries: $260/year (online only)
— Non-member individuals (available only to individuals paying on their own and having the journal sent to a home address): $117/year (price includes postage)

For more information or to start a current subscription, please call (800) 213-7193 ext 493 or (703) 476-3493.

Single copies of back issues: $42 each

(To order back issues call (800) 321-0789 or (301) 567-7999, (301) 567-9553 (fax), or AAHPERD@CUSTSVC.NET)

Editorial Staff

RQES Staff
Kathleen Williams, Editor-in-Chief,
Linda Topper, (703) 476-3484, (703) 476-9527 (fax),

RQES Editorial Board
Stephen Silverman, Teachers College, Columbia University, Chair
Lavon Williams, Guilford College
Matthew T. Mahar, East Carolina University

Roberta Rikli, California State University–Fullerton

Permission to Reprint

For permission to reprint for publication, send a written request to the RQES Managing Editor, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191; (703) 476-9527 (fax).

For permission to make multiple copies for academic course packets, contact the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; (978) 750-8400 (office); (978) 750-4744 (fax);

Permission is not needed to photocopy material for personal use or for library reserve.

The fee structure to reprint material from RQES for publication is as follows:

1-2 table(s) or figure(s) : $50 each
3 or more tables or figures: $40 each
Complete article 1 - 5 pages: $100
Complete article up 6 - 14 pages: $175
Complete article 15+ pages: $250


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