Wisconsin Farm Bureau

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization representing the needs and interests of all farmers for all commodities. There are 43,000 member families that belong to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau. Voting Farm Bureau members (farmers) annually set the policy the organization follows, and are involved in local, state and national affairs making it a true grassroots organization.

Members belong to one of 61 county Farm Bureaus, all run by farmer board of directors. County Farm Bureaus are involved in a variety of legislative or promotional activities. Members join various reasons: to support legislative and public relations efforts, to qualify for member benefits, to support farming families of Wisconsin.

2008 Policy Book

Mission Statement
Legislative Representatation
Public Relations
Member Benefits
Ag in the Classroom
Young Farmer's Program
Women's Program
Community Involvement

Commodity sales

Mission Statement

"Lead the farm and rural community through legislative representation, education, public relations, and leadership development."


"Lead a dynamic, growing agriculture"


WFBF was organized by a group of farmers in Waukesha on May 27, 1920, and incorporated in December of 1920. The farmers wanted to have an organization controlled by farmers to represent them on legislative issues and to provide farm marketing, business and planning consulation and services. Since then, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation has evolved into one of the most effective voices for farmers in Wisconsin and in the nation.

WFBF is a voluntary, non-governmental organization financed and controlled by the voting member families (active farmers). The farmer-members elect voting delegates who in turn elect a Board of Directors of eleven people. One district director from each of the nine districts, together with the Women’s Committee Chairman and the Young Farmers Chairman, make up the Board of Directors.

There are 61 County Farm Bureau units in Wisconsin affiliated with WFBF, which is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF).

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Legislative Representation

Farm Bureau is one of the most effective organizations in Wisconsin because of the credibility and professionalism of its staff and leaders, and its politically active members who set policy for the organization. Farm Bureau's influence is present from rural townships to the nation's Capitol.

With more than 43,000 members representing all aspects of agriculture, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau is a respected voice for agriculture with legislators, the Governor, state agencies, the media, and other ag organizations.

Farm Bureau Policy
Farm Bureau policy is established by farmers. The Farm Bureau policy guides the organization’s positions on specific legislation or rules.

Each year, county Farm Bureau members develop, discuss and vote on resolutions addressing local, state and national issues facing agriculture. State and national resolutions are discussed and voted on by delegates at the Wisconsin Farm Bureau and American Farm Bureau annual meetings, respectively.

Farm Bureau Legislative Action
Farm Bureau has full-time lobbyists advocating for agricultural interests to work with state legislators and monitor bills at the state capitol in Madison. They also work with state agencies on administrative rules and regulations.

On national affairs, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau staff teams with the American Farm Bureau lobbyists to make sure that agriculture keeps a strong presence on national issues.

Farm Bureau is effective because members actively contact their elected officials and state agencies to provide input on how legislation or rules will affect their farming operations.

Locally, County Farm Bureaus work with school, town and county boards, and support local Extension and ag education programs.

Coalition Building
Farm Bureau leads an ag coalition of other farm organizations, commodity groups, and agri-business groups to develop unified strategies on state issues. The coalition also joins forces to defend laws in our courts that are important to farmers.

The annual Ag Day at the Capitol, sponsored by this ag coalition, draws more than 700 farmers to learn about state issues, and then lobby their state legislators.

Volunteers for Agriculture®
The Wisconsin Farm Bureau established the Volunteers for Agriculture (VFA®) as a political action committee to endorse candidates who best represent agricultural interests. State legislators who measure up to Farm Bureau positions receive the VFA's "Friend of Agriculture" endorsement, or receive an endorsement after local interviews.

Farm Bureau Governmental Relations Contacts:
Paul Zimmerman, Executive Director of Governmental Relations
Phone: 608-828-5708
Email: pzimmerman.fbcenter@wfbf.com

Jeff Lyon, Director of Governmental Relations
Phone: 608-828-5713
Email: jlyon.fbcenter@wfbf.com

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Public Relations

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau is active in media relations, public relations and member communications activities to keep the media, public and its members informed of ag issues and Farm Bureau's involvement in representing farmers. This includes working with the media, communicating with members, and training members to be effective spokespersons for agriculture.

Farm Bureau uses all web, radio, newspaper, and television media to communicate its message about its work for farmers and how agriculture is important to our daily lives.

Farm Bureau handles close to 500 inquires from reporters a year, and produces a weekly radio program that is carried on more than 30 radio stations in Wisconsin.

Media Relations
Farm Bureau works with agricultural reporters and the state’s media to get information about agricultural issues to farmers, legislators, and consumers. Farm Bureau has built credibility over the years by providing timely and accurate information and commentary on important farm and food news.

Farm Bureau Member Communication
Farm Bureau keeps members informed on state and national ag issues, and provides useful resources for members.

Farm Bureau's Rural Route
Farm Bureau’s official member newspaper is published ten times a year. It contains summaries of issues facing Wisconsin agriculture, commentary on Farm Bureau’s involvement, and news about Farm Bureau events.
Ag NewsWire
This weekly “subscription only” email newsletter is sent to voting members to keep them up-to-date on state and national issues, Farm Bureau’s involvement, and any legislative action required by members.

Farm Bureau’s award-winning web site includes all Farm Bureau news and events, an archive of state and national issues, and links to other ag sites.

The American Farm Bureau web site offers information on national issues and perspectives from around the country.

Market Basket
Farm Bureau connects agriculture with consumers through its monthly statewide survey of retail food prices. The Market Basket survey provides insight on trends in retail food prices as they relate to farm prices, weather, trade and other issues that affect food prices.

Farmer Spokesperson Training
Farm Bureau conducts media training programs for members and other state ag organizations to empower farmers to "effectively communicate" their message. The farmers become local media contacts to work with reporters when an ag story surfaces. With Farm Bureau’s support, the credible and effective spokespersons for agriculture give the public an accurate depiction of today’s agriculture

Click here to go the Media Center.

Farm Bureau Public Relations Contacts:
Casey Langan, Director of Public Relations
Phone: 608-828-5711
Email: clangan.fbcenter@wfbf.com

Paul Ketring, Director of Communications and Member Benefits
Phone: 608-828-5706
Email: pketring.fbcenter@wfbf.com

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WFBF Member Benefits

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau provides several benefits for members to improve the quality of life for WFBF member families. For more information, contact Tracy Larson at (608) 828-5707.

By joining the WFBF you qualify for many benefits that provide insurance protection, family health care services, and savings for your family or business.

Click here for more member benefits details.

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Ag in the Classroom

Ag in the Classroom is a program coordinated nationally by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to help students in grades K-12 understand the importance of agriculture.

Ag in the Classroom is staffed and implemented by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation with a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, and support from other ag organizations and businesses.

Ag in the Classroom incorporates resources into existing curricula, emphasizing history, geography, agriculture and technology, economics of agriculture, and careers in agriculture.

Volunteer Network
Wisconsin’s Ag in the Classroom program utilizes a network of local volunteers across the state who work with schools to introduce the program and help to arrange farm tours and “farmer in the classroom” presentations.

Wisconsin Farm and Food Connections
Lesson plans are geared toward students in grades 4-6 and are correlated to Wisconsin Model Academic Standards in Social Studies, Math, English Language Arts, and Science.

Resource Guide
This directory provides a variety of information about Wisconsin agriculture, a listing of resource materials available for classroom use, a topical listing of websites, and a directory of volunteers.

Web Site -
The Ag in the Classroom web site is an archive of resources for teachers and volunteers. The web site also has links to educational resources.

Wisconsin Agriculture Bookmarks
These feature the “Fun Faces of Wisconsin Agriculture” and fun facts about Wisconsin agriculture.

Wisconsin Farm Facts
These brochures contain statistical and economic information about Wisconsin’s ag industry.

“Ag Mag” Agriculture Readers
This is a visually exciting, four-color tabloid designed to educate students in grades 4-6.

Children’s Library Books
This selection of children’s books provides readers an accurate, up-to-date portrayal of modern agriculture.

“Agriculture and Me” Essay Contest
This activity is designed to help fourth and fifth grade students think about agriculture in their lives and articulate their views about the importance of agriculture.

Teacher Training
This in-service training is for teachers to explore ways to incorporate agriculture into their classes.

Matching Grants
Grants are offered to groups sponsoring programs or projects that promote agricultural literacy, provided that matching funds are obtained.

Outstanding Teacher Award
This award recognizes teachers for their achievements in teaching students the importance of agriculture.

Visit the Ag in the Classroom web site at www.wisagclassroom.org.

Ag in the Classroom Contact
Darlene Arneson, Coordinator
Ag in the Classroom

Phone: 608-828-5719
Email: darneson.fbcenter@wfbf.com

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Young Farmer Program

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmer Program is for active agriculturalists between the ages of 18 and 35 years old.

The Young Farmer Program offers opportunities for leadership and skills development, along with the chance for young farmers to meet and network with their peers. Many of the young farmers who have participated in the program have gone on to become active county, state and national Farm Bureau leaders, as well as respected leaders and partners in their communities.

County and District Opportunities
Each county offers opportunities for young farmers to become involved. District meetings are held in the winter and the fall. Local activities include meetings with educational speakers and social events. These activities allow members to network while staying up-to-date on Farm Bureau Issues.

State Young Farmer Committee
A committee of young farmers, representing nine districts from around the state, work together to get young farmers acquainted with and involved in Farm Bureau at all levels of the organization.

Young Farmer Contests
Farm Bureau members from 18-35 years of age are eligible to compete in three competitive events. Winners of each contest receive generous prizes as well as the opportunity to travel to the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.

Achievement Award
The Farm Bureau Young Farmer Achievement Award Program is designed to recognize those young farmers who excell in their farming operations and demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities.

Discussion Meet
The Young Farmer Discussion Meet Contest is an exercise that develops cooperative problem solving in a public roundtable format. The Discussion Meet is a panel-type discussion where young farmers are judged on their ability to express their ideas and opinions on the hottest issues driving agriculture.

Excellence in Agriculture Award
This competition is for young farmers who derive a majority of their income from an off-farm job, but are active in the agricultural industry. This award recognizes them for their leadership in Farm Bureau to increase the awareness of the organization and of agriculture.

Washington, DC Fly-In
Participants in this five-day trip meet with their Congressional representatives, U.S. Senators, and USDA officials to discuss agricultural issues. The trip includes ample free time to visit the sights in our nation's Capital. Each participant pays a small fee, with all remaining costs picked up by the state and county Farm Bureaus. The participants are chosen based on participation in Young Farmer Programs.

Young Farmer Getaway Conference
Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer Getaway Conference provides the opportunity for Young Farmers to meet and share ideas with each other. This weekend conference is usually held in February. The location changes yearly along with the topics of discussion.

Farm Bureau Young Farmer Program Contact:
Dale Beaty, Director of Training and Leadership Development

Phone: 608-828-5714
Email: dbeaty.fbcenter@wfbf.com

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Women's Program

The WFBF Women's Program strengthens and expands the role of Farm Bureau women and their activities within the total Farm Bureau organization. Activities include speaking up for agriculture, leadership development, health, safety, government, citizenship, and local activities.

For more information, contact Dale Beaty at (608) 828-5714.

Click here to learn more about the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Women's Program.

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Community Involvement

Farm Bureau is active in communities across Wisconsin, supporting promotion, education and leadership programs. For more than 82 years, Farm Bureau has maintained its strong connection to youth to support and develop future generations of leaders. The Wisconsin Farm Bureau and county Farm Bureaus contribute more than $70,000 annually to community programs.

FFA Support - WFBF sponsors the FFA Discussion Meet, Food for American Contest, and Leader Proficiency Award. County Farm Bureaus give direct financial and volunteer support to local FFA chapters.

4-H Support - WFBF sponsors the 4-H key Award to the top 4-H youth in each county. County Farm Bureau members are leaders and resource people for a variety of 4-H programs.

Ag Essay Contest - The Ag in the Classroom sponsors an annual Ag Essay Contest for elementary students. County Farm Bureaus hold local competitions, selecting winners to be judged in state competitions. State winners receive a pizza party for their class. Contact Darlene Arneson for more information (608) 828-5714.

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Wisconsin Cheese and Florida Citrus Products

WFBF sells Wisconsin cheese in a variety of gift packs and ships via UPS. You can also order Florida citrus and peanut products through our reciprocal program with the Florida Farm Bureau. Contact Debbi Raemisch at 608-828-5712 to inquire about sales.

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Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation - PO Box 5550 Madison,WI 53705-0550 1-800-261-FARM or 608-836-5575 © 2007 Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation - Legal Notice
American Farm Bureau Federation, Farm Bureau, the FB logo and Voice of Agriculture are registered service marks of the American Farm Bureau Federation, used under license by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation

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