National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
NCRR Reporter
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Download Entire Issue (PDF): 1MB Fall 2007  •  Vol. XXXI, No. 4



Cover Story


Science Advances

Research Briefs

News from NCRR

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CTSAs in Focus
Science Advances
Research Briefs

NCRR Programs Collaborate on Science Education

“I can do that!” should be the motto of HEADS UP. That’s the reaction this K–12 science education project often receives…

From Discovery to Market

Making novel technologies commercially available leads to advances in research and medicine…

Vitamin D for the Heart

Many people know the human body needs vitamin D for strong bones. But a recent study suggests that the vitamin is also good for a strong heart…

Revving Up the Brain

In the past, researchers believed that sleep and waking were controlled by chemicals called neurotransmitters…

News from NCRR

NIH Expands CTSA Consortium

NIH has expanded a national consortium of academic health centers across the country that is transforming how clinical and translational research is conducted…

Funding Opportunity for Data-Sharing Projects

NIH will be supporting new projects that encourage biomedical researchers to use two major programs for data and tool sharing…

Interdisciplinary Consortia Will Tackle Complex Health Issues

NIH will fund nine new research consortia focusing on areas ranging from obesity and aging to organ design and genome-based drug discovery…