USDA logo U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service Grain: World Markets and Trade (masthead)

July 2002 Edition

Conditions are Right: More Rice Trade in Sight 

2 bar graphs: 1 shows global rice trade 1998-2003; 1 show exports of India, China, Vietnam and Thailand 1998-2003


Competitive pricing and speculation on the return of the El Niño weather phenomenon are two factors creating an expected boost to global trade in CY 2003, marking a five-year high.

For the first time in history, conditions are right for India to have two consecutive years of strong, if not record, exports. The 1997/98 El Niño caused a reduction of rice production in parts of Southeast Asia and South America that allowed India to reach record export levels that have yet to be achieved again, as well as triggering a record level for global rice trade. Now, with huge stocks and a government-supported export program, India maintains prices lower than most other exporters. Nevertheless, record  exports would not be attainable without high import demand for low-quality and parboiled rice in the markets of Africa, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

In 2002, India has gained market share–especially from Thailand–in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. India is expected to hold this new market share for CY 2003.  

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Last modified: Thursday, November 13, 2003