Important information on syrup of ipecac

About CPCS
 · Contact Information
 · Mission Statement
 · CPCS Brochure
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 · Annual Report

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Press Releases
 · Tips For Potential Outdoor Dangers
May 24, 2007
 · Life Saving Tips to Prevent Accidental Poisoning
March 12, 2007
 · Holiday Safety Tips
Nov 29, 2006
Questions & Answers
 · What kinds of calls does CPCS manage?
 · Which division will I most likely reach?
 · Other "Frequently Asked Questions" about calling the Poison Center.

About the
California Poison Control System

A single toll-free 800 number is available to all areas of California. By calling 1-800-222-1222 anywhere in California, you can obtain emergency information on:
  • Swallowing poison
  • Eye or skin irritation from toxic substances
  • Inhalation of noxious fumes or vapors
  • Animal, insect, snake and spider bites
  • Food or mushroom poisoning
  • Drug reactions
  • Attempted suicides or drug overdoses
  • Pet poisoning exposures
Calls are handled quickly, accurately, professionally and free-of-charge all over the state 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For decades, there have been many poison centers in California, each with its own phone number and individual way of providing service for a small area.

In 1997, a new system for providing uniform poison services for the entire state was developed. The University of California San Francisco, School of Pharmacy - Department of Clinical Pharmacy provides administrative services for the California Poison Control System (CPCS). The CPCS combined the services of four existing poison centers:

Trained health care professionals, who have many years of valuable experience handling poison cases, staff all answering sites. The sites use identical telephones, computers, computer programs and databases, recording systems and automatic call distribution systems. They use uniform protocols and guidelines and have identical health education materials. The result is uniform quality poison information for the entire state.
    We have five toll free help lines
    Public Hotline, Medical Consultation Line, 9-1-1, Speech and Hearing Impaired TTY Line, and Public Education Line.

    And many special services
    24-hour interpreter service for over 100 languages, HazMat, Public Health and Pesticide Surveillance, Company Contracts, and more.



California Poison Control System
1-800-222-1222. . Anytime, Anyplace in California

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© CPCS and Regents, University of California. 2000-2006
Disclaimer: This web site is designed to be informational and educational. Under no circumstance is this web site meant to replace the expert advice of a qualified poison specialist or physician. In the event of a poison emergency, call the nearest poison center immediately by diaing 1-800-222-1222 or contact 9-1-1 emergency services.