Import/Export/Re-Export Sport-hunted Trophies

The import, export, or re-export of a number of sport-hunted trophies may be regulated by a conservation law or treaty, which is implemented by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and requires a permit. This regulation is part of domestic and international conservation efforts to protect wildlife subject to international trade.

If the activity you want to carry out requires a permit, you must submit an application to the Service. When you apply for a permit (using one of the application forms listed below), you will be asked to certify on the application that you have read and are familiar with the General Permit Procedures regulations (50 CFR part 13), which apply to all permits. A copy of excerpts from 50 CFR part 13 is included in the application package. In addition, you will be asked to certify that you have read and are familiar with all other regulations that implement the specific laws or treaties under which the permit application is being considered. See the table below to access a copy of these other regulations.

Application No.
Fact Sheet
General Specific
Argali 3-200-21 ESA   50 CFR part 17

Appendix I of CITES/Endangered

3-200-20 CITES

50 CFR part 23
50 CFR part 17

Bontebok 3-200-22  
50 CFR part 17
Elephant, African 3-200-19  
50 CFR part 23
50 CFR part 17
Leopard, Southern African 3-200-19  
50 CFR part 23
50 CFR part 17

Polar Bears from Canada


Rhinoceros, Namibian Southern White

3-200-19 CITES   50 CFR part 23

Application No.
Fact Sheet
General Specific
Skins/Products of Bobcat, Lynx, River Otter, Alaskan Brown Bear, Alaskan Black Bear, Alaskan Gray Wolf, and American Alligator 3-200-26 CITES   50 CFR part 23

Trophies by Hunters or Taxidermists

3-200-28 CITES  

50 CFR part 23

Application No.
Fact Sheet
General Specific
Wildlife 3-200-73 CITES   50 CFR part 23

Trophies by Hunters or Taxidermists

3-200-28 CITES  

50 CFR part 23

CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
ESA: Endangered Species Act

You should also contact the foreign country where you are exporting the trophy from or importing into to ensure that you meet any additional requirements they may have. In addition, please contact the State conservation agency, if you took the trophy within the United States, to ensure that you meet its requirements.

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