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Generating, adopting and implementing health care innovations are complex processes. The following resources are designed to inform and guide your efforts.

Visit Learn and Network to view articles and perspectives on fostering and adopting innovation.


Will It Work Here? A Decisionmaker's Guide to Adopting Innovations

The Guide helps users determine if an innovation would be a good fit—or an appropriate stretch—for their health care organization by asking a series of questions. It links users to actionable Web-based tools and presents case studies that illustrate how other organizations have addressed these questions. Users will be able to answer the four overarching questions the Guide poses:

  • Does this innovation fit?
  • Should we do it here?
  • Can we do it here?
  • How can we do it here?

Cindy Brach, AHRQ; Nancy Lenfestey, Amy Roussel, Jacqueline Amoozegar, and Asta Sorenson, RTI International

Download this Guide as a PDF
(Adobe Reader is required to open or print this guide. Download a free copy here.)


New Expert Commentary: New Guide Charts Course for Navigating Challenges of Innovation Adoption


Webinar: Using AHRQ's Health Care Innovations Exchange to Take on the Challenges of Care Delivery

Webinar held on May 12, 2008

Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D., AHRQ Director
Mary Nix, M.S., AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange Project Officer
Michael Leu, M.D., M.S.; Linda Wick, N.P.; Mark Redding, M.D. (Innovators)


Podcast: AHRQ Unveils a New Forum for Exchanging Innovative Health Care Ideas

Speaker: Paul Plsek, DirectedCreativity™, Member of Editorial Board

(Adobe Flash Player is required to listen to the podcast. Download a free copy here.)

Last updated: September 29, 2008.

AHRQ  Advancing Excellence in Health Care