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Air/Climate Change

This section focuses on ways of improving air quality and curbing climate change through innovative policies and programs. These include international, national and local initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality and increase energy efficiency, and the effective use of transportation to alleviate air pollution.

Innovative Programs and Policies
Tools and Guidelines
Databases and Case Studies
Newsletters, Publication Collections and Reports of Interest
International Organization and Government Web sites

Portland's Local Action Plan Learned from Stockholm and Copenhagen

Photo of Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon is making strides towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions as a participant of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiative's Cities for Climate Protection Campaign.

In 1993 Portland, Oregon was the first U.S. city to adopt a local action plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This plan emanated from Portland's relations with Stockholm, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark, through the International Council for Local Environmental Initiative's Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. In the context of a peer-to-peer exchange among city council members, planners and practitioners to Stockholm and Copenhagen, Portland began adopting "green" fleets and inventory measures for greenhouse gas emissions. Through implementation of the plan, Portland's 1997 per capita greenhouse gas emissions were 3% below 1990 baseline levels, transit ridership increased by 30%, auto commutes to the central business district were cut by 15%, and solid waste disposal per household was reduced 13%.

Largely because of rapid population growth, the city of Portland and Multnomah County developed a new action plan in 2001 to establish a more realistic target for greenhouse gas emissions reductions. This new action plan, which is still more aggressive than the Kyoto Protocol, calls for a 10 percent reduction below 1990 emissions by 2010 whereas the 1993 strategy established a reduction target of 20 percent. This more realistic target does not mean, however, that Portland has not made great strides to curb global warming. Impressive achievements in energy efficiency, transportation, recycling, and tree planting have helped reduce per capita emissions by 3% from 1990 levels even with rapid population growth. For example, several new wind projects have been developed or are underway in and near Portland. Local transportation ridership increased nearly five percent per year from 1990 to 1998. The continued success of Portland-area recycling programs has led to an increase in the overall recovery rate in Portland from 47 percent in 1996 to 53.6 percent in 2000.

Click here to learn more about Portland's effort through its Local Action Plan on Global Warming (2001; PDF, 39pp., 317KB) Exit Disclaimer

Innovative Programs and Policies

European Commission's LIFE-Environment Initiative
Exit Disclaimer
Launched in 1992, LIFE cofinances environmental initiatives in the European Union and bordering countries. LIFE-Environment contributes to the development of innovative techniques and methods by cofinancing demonstration projects in a number of areas including climate change. This Web site provides information on LIFE projects and hosts a database of over 1,000 state, municipal, and local level projects funded through this program, including case study reports of particular success stories.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives' Cities for Climate Protection Exit Disclaimer
ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP), begun in 1993, is a global campaign to reduce the emissions that cause global warming and air pollution. By 1999, the campaign had engaged more than 350 local governments, who jointly accounted for approximately 7 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. The site includes information on regional campaigns and resources for other international city-to-city partnerships.

New Zealand Ministry of Environment's Clean Air Programme Exit Disclaimer
The Ministry's clean air program promotes the sustainable management of air in New Zealand by developing the best national policies and tools to maintain and, where necessary, improve air quality. This Web site contains New Zealand's clean air guidelines, environmental standards, and regulations.

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Tools and Guidelines

"Local Sustainability:" European Good Practice Information Service Exit Disclaimer
'Local Sustainability' has been conceived and developed as a service of many partners, disseminating and making accessible the good practice experiences of European cities, towns, counties and their associations, national and regional governments, research and educational institutions, and Directorate Generals of the European Commission. This Web site provides a searchable database of over 100 case studies of European sustainability practices in action including those related to climate change and air quality management.

New Zealand Ministry of the Environment's Air Quality Guides Exit Disclaimer
The Ministry of the Environment in New Zealand recognizes the importance of keeping the air clean and healthy to breathe. This Web site offers best practice guides and guidelines for managing air quality issues.

Victoria Transport Policy Institute's Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis Guidebook Exit Disclaimer
This online guidebook by the Victoria Transport Policy Institute is a comprehensive study of transportation benefit and costing research, and guidebook for applying this information in planning and policy analysis.

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Databases and Case Studies

Energie-Cités' European Case Studies Exit Disclaimer
Energie-Cités is an association of European local authorities, representing close to 300 towns and cities across Europe, for the promotion of local sustainable energy policies. Energy Cites' Web site provides hundreds of records of experiences of European cities in the fields of energy efficiency and urban mobility.

European "Best Practices for Sustainable Urban Infrastructures" Exit Disclaimer
Founded in 1971, COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European level. COST8, an activity in identifying best practices for sustainable urban infrastructures, has assembled a series of European case studies on topics such as transportation and energy. 

European Commission's LIFE-Environment Database Exit Disclaimer
Launched in 1992, LIFE cofinances environmental initiatives in the European Union and bordering countries. LIFE-Environment contributes to the development of innovative techniques and methods by cofinancing demonstration projects . This Web site showcases over 200 air and climate change projects funded through LIFE, including case study reports of particular success stories.

European Environment Agency Reports Exit Disclaimer
The European Environment Agency (EEA) provides European decision-makers with the information needed for making sound and effective policies to protect the environment and support sustainable development. This Web site provides links to the EEA's reports on air quality, climate change and many other topics.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives' Cities for Climate Protection Campaign Exit Disclaimer
Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) is a campaign of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives that offers a framework for local governments to develop a strategic agenda to reduce global warming and air pollution emissions, with the benefit of improving community livability. This Web site provides links information on the purchase of CCP's publications, many of which are case studies.

"Local Sustainability:" European Good Practice Information Service Exit Disclaimer
'Local Sustainability' has been conceived and developed as a service of many partners, disseminating and making accessible the good practice experiences of European cities, towns, counties and their associations, national and regional governments, research and educational institutions, and Directorate Generals of the European Commission. This Web site provides a searchable database of over 100 case studies of European sustainability practices in action including 20 related to climate change and air quality.

New Zealand Ministry of the Environment's Air Quality Publications Exit Disclaimer
The Ministry of the Environment in New Zealand recognizes the importance of keeping the air clean and healthy to breathe. This Web site provides a variety of publications on air quality, including guides, case studies and technical reports.

United Kingdom-based The Climate Group Exit Disclaimer
The Climate Group is a UK based non-profit international coalition of organizations working to share knowledge and harvest successful air pollution mitigation techniques and working towards their implementation. There is a list of about 30 emission-reduction case studies from around the world compiled from activities of municipal and national government as well as corporations. There is also a publication section that provides information on broader international air quality/climate change topics.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development Exit Disclaimer
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development is a coalition of 170 international companies representing more than 35 countries and 20 major industrial sectors. The site contains about 75 case studies of business partnerships searchable by both date and company. updated news and other literature on environmentally minded businesses from around the world. Here, the vantage point of businesses working to increase energy efficiency and decrease harmful emission is outlined and applied to areas around the world.

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Newsletter, Publication Collections and Reports of Interest


World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Energy and Climate News Exit Disclaimer
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a coalition of international companies united by a commitment to sustainable development via economic growth, ecological balance and social progress. WBCSD offers free weekly subscription to Energy and Climate News that monitors developments in the political and business arenas, scientific advances and environmental and social concerns.

Publication Collections

Canada's Climate Change Publications Exit Disclaimer
Across Canada, governments, business and industry, communities, schools, and individual Canadians are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise awareness and understanding of the importance of such actions. This Web site hosts publications, reports and action plans on climate change and Environment Canada's greenhouse gas policies.

Ecologic Climate and Energy News and Publications Exit Disclaimer
Ecologic, the Institute for International and European Environmental Policy, is a private not-for-profit think tank for applied environmental research, policy analysis and consultancy. An independent, non-partisan body, Ecologic is dedicated to bringing fresh ideas to environmental policies and sustainable development. Ecologic's Web site provides the latest news, publications, and other resources on climate and energy issues.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport
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The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) is an intergovernmental European organization in which Ministers responsible for transport openly discuss transport problems and agree upon joint approaches aimed at improving the utilization and at ensuring the rational development of European transport systems. This Web site offers documents and publications from conferences and other resources on transportation management issues.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives' Cities for Climate Protection Campaign Publications Exit Disclaimer
Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) is a campaign of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives that offers a framework for local governments to develop a strategic agenda to reduce global warming and air pollution emissions, with the benefit of improving community livability. Five hundred local governments are participating in the Campaign, representing 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This Web site provides links information on the purchase of CCP's publications, many of which are case studies.

New Zealand Climate Change Office Reports and Publications Exit Disclaimer
New Zealand and many other developed nations are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and delay the effects of climate change. On this Web site, you'll find information on the New Zealand Climate Change Office, domestic and international, and policies and initiatives.

New Zealand Ministry of the Environment's Air Quality Publications Exit Disclaimer
The Ministry of the Environment in New Zealand recognizes the importance of keeping the air clean and healthy to breathe. This Web site provides a variety of publications on air quality, including guides, case studies and technical reports.

Urban Travel and Sustainable Development Workshops Papers (ECMT/ OECD) Exit Disclaimer
Many interesting papers have been prepared for the joint European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT)/ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD) workshops on urban travel and sustainable development. This Web site provides descriptions of the workshops that have taken place as well as links to the papers presented at these workshops.

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Reports of Interest

Best Practices In Policies And Measures To Address Climate Change: Opportunities For The UK And Germany In The International Negotiation Process (IEEP, 2000) (PDF, 19pp., 58KB)Exit Disclaimer
This Institute for European Environmental Policy paper considers how the UK and Germany could play a leadership role in advancing efforts to combat climate change through a process that has begun to consider 'best practices' in policies and measures.

Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions is Possible and Even Profitable
(Ecologic, 2003) Exit Disclaimer
This transatlantic survey reveals a number of initiatives countries are taking to combat greenhouse gas emissions and suggests that not only is it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but that it is also cost effective.

Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) Report: Towards a more sustainable EU: the need for investments that benefit economy and environment alike Exit Disclaimer
RIVM is a Dutch non-governmental organization working on issues of public health and the environment, and focusing on international cooperation and information sharing. They have published a report on a more sustainable EU, which is focused particularly on developing methods in order to decrease CO2 production.

Finland's Environment Institute's "Evaluating the effects in Finland of international efforts to reduce SO 2 and NO x emissions from large point sources 1990 - 2000 (EUIPA)" Exit Disclaimer
Brief paper outlining how Finland has responded to international pressure to reduce emissions from large point sources.

Greening the Small Retail Sector (Clean Air Foundation, 2004) (PDF, 26pp., 1.44MB)Exit Disclaimer
This February 2004 report is published by the Clean Air Foundation's Cool Shops program, which works with small street-facing retailers in Canada to help them save money, reduce energy use, and improve environmental health. It includes practical, energy-saving tips and a section on the role of business in the community, featuring information on renewable energy and sustainable transportation.

Putting the Breaks on Climate Change: A Policy Report on Road Transport and Climate Change ( IPPR/ IEEP, 2003) (PDF, 48pp., 232KB) Exit Disclaimer
This report is part of the Institute for Public Policy Research's (IPPR) Motoring Towards Sustainability program, which is examining the role of the car in progressive and environmentally sustainable transport policy. This report examines transportation in the UK and provides policy recommendations.

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International Organizations and Government Web sites

Ecologic Exit Disclaimer
Ecologic, the Institute for International and European Environmental Policy, is a private not-for-profit think tank for applied environmental research, policy analysis and consultancy. An independent, non-partisan body, Ecologic is dedicated to bringing fresh ideas to environmental policies and sustainable development. This Web site offers project information, news and publications on a number of environmental topics.

Energie-Cités' Exit Disclaimer
Energie-Cités is an association of European local authorities, representing close to 300 towns and cities across Europe, for the promotion of local sustainable energy policies. Energy -Cités Web site provides hundreds of European case studies as well as publications and project information on energy efficiency and urban mobility.

Environment Canada's Climate Change Web site Exit Disclaimer
Across Canada, governments, business and industry, communities, schools, and individual Canadians are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise awareness and understanding of the importance of such actions. This Web site provides links to the actions of the Canadian government and other parties to curb climate change.

European Commission's Environment Directorate-General: Air Web site Exit Disclaimer
The Environment Directorate-General, part of the European Commission, initiates and defines new environmental legislation in the European Union and ensures that measures, which have been agreed, are actually put into practice in the Member States. This Web site provides links to EU air legislation and policies.

European Commission's LIFE-Environment Initiative Exit Disclaimer
Launched in 1992, LIFE cofinances environmental initiatives in the European Union and bordering countries. LIFE-Environment contributes to the development of innovative techniques and methods by cofinancing demonstration projects in a number of areas including climate change. This Web site provides information on LIFE projects and hosts a database of over 1,000 state, municipal, and local level projects funded through this program, including case study reports of particular success stories.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport Exit Disclaimer
The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) is an intergovernmental European organization in which Ministers responsible for transport openly discuss transport problems and agree upon joint approaches aimed at improving the utilization and at ensuring the rational development of European transport systems. This Web site offers documents and publications from conferences and other resources on transportation management issues.

European Directorate-General for Energy and Transport Exit Disclaimer
This European Directorate-General for Energy and Transport is responsible for ensuring that European energy and transport policies are designed for the benefit of all sectors of the society, businesses, cities, rural areas and above all of citizens.. This Web site provides information on energy and transport policies and legislation in the EU as well as reports and publications.

European Environment Agency's European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change Exit Disclaimer
This topic center of the European Environment Agency (EEA) assists EEA in supporting EU environmental policy and legislative frameworks through improving monitoring and reporting and integrated assessments. This Web site provides databases and other tools to aid European policymakers and air professionals.

Institute for European Environmental Policy
Exit Disclaimer
The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) is a leading centre for the analysis and development of environmental and related policies in Europe. IEEP focuses primarily on European Union (EU) environmental and sustainable development policies, and relevant aspects of other policies such as transport and climate change. This Web site contains information on IEEP's activities and links to other European environmental organizations.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives: Europe Exit Disclaimer
This is the climate and air portion of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in Europe Web site. It provides information on ICLEI in Europe's projects, events and publications.

New Zealand's Climate Change Office Exit Disclaimer
New Zealand and many other developed nations are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and delay the effects of climate change. On this Web site, you'll find information on the New Zealand Climate Change Office, domestic and international policies and initiatives.

United Nations Environment Programme Exit Disclaimer
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), established in 1972, is the voice for the environment within the United Nations system. This Web site provides links to UNEP offices and publications as well as topic-specific pages, such as atmosphere and energy, on UN environment projects and programs.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Exit Disclaimer
The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is one of a series of agreements through which countries around the world are banding together to address climate change. The UNFCCC's Web site provides documents and press releases and information on sessions of the UNFCCC.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development's Energy and Climate Web site Exit Disclaimer
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a coalition of 170 international companies committed to providing business leadership as a catalyst for change toward sustainable development and to promoting the role of eco-efficiency, innovation and corporate social responsibility. This Web site contains information on WBCSD's activities and events related to energy and climate change and offers case studies and newsletters on relevant subjects.

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