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Scenic Recreation Area Management Plan Documents

This link takes you to a page with the Final Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area Plan, the Decision Notice and several supporting documents, including information used in the development of the Plan.


Wildland Fire for Resource Benefits
Presented May 5, 2001

Opal Pool Trail Proposal
A one-page information sheet describing user trail closures and new trail to be built in conjunction with the new bridge. Presented April 7, 2001 (PDF file, 1 page 32 KB).

Active Mining Claims
This information was requested to show where people have legal access to lands. Presented February 12, 2001.

Decision Memo for Abandoned Mine Closure Project
This is the Ranger's decision on a proposal to close abandoned mines. Presented January 6, 2001. (PDF file, 16 pages, 63 KB)

Subcommittee Report on Area Mine Closures
Presented September 18, 2000

Federal Advisory Committee Act
Identifies how the Council is empowered under FACA.

Recreation Briefing Paper
This paper has information about dispersed recreation, developed recreation, trails and issues. It was presented at the July 29 Advisory Council Field Trip

Late-Successional Reserve Guidelines
Presented July 17, 2000. The SRA is within an LSR. Members requested a comparison between guidelines of LSRs in the NW Forest Plan and direction for management of SRAs in the Opal Creek Legislation.


Minerals Update
Claims, Withdrawals, Prospecting, Mines, Amalgamated, Bornite Project. Handed out November 4, 2000

Special Uses
Information on special use authorizations. Handed out November 4, 2000

Presentation on installing a gaging station
Presented September 18, 2000 (PDF file, 25 pages, 5MB)

Heritage Resource Overview of the Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area.
Presented in Power Point format at the July 17, 2000 meeting

Revised Cultural Resources Inventory of the Opal Creek SRA
Presented July 17. Required by legislation and completed in September 1999

Legislative Requirements for the Opal Creek SRA Management Plan
Requested by members; presented July 17, 2000 meeting (PDF file, 2 pages; 20 KB)

Forest Service Expectations of the Advisory Council
Presented in Power Point format at the June 24, 2000 meeting

Opal Creek Advisory Council Roles and Responsibilities
Presented on June 24, 2000

Landscape Aesthetics
A paper on Forest Service scenery management. This paper was prepared at the AC request to help define "scenic values". December, 2000.

Recreation Assessment--Draft
A report on the recreation condition of the SRA. Prepared by Dani Rosetti and includes issues and key questions. July 31, 2001 (PDF file, 80 pages 357 Kb). Cover page for this document (PDF file, 1 page, 47 KB)

MOU between Willamette NF and Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Shared by Mike Wilson, December 2, 2000 (PDF file, 11 pages 98 KB)

New Oregon Mineral Trespass
Shared by Tim Cremar November 13, 2000 (PDF file, 2 pages 10 KB)

Existing Special Uses
Current permits in the Opal Creek Area. Handed out November 4, 2000.


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