US Department of Agriculture Forest Service
National Forest

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You work hard. You get dirty. Your muscles get tired and sore. You get blisters, bug bites, and rained on. You don't get paid. And you call it fun? You're a volunteer!

Volunteers play a vital role for the Willamette National Forest. In recent years, hundreds of people have volunteered thousands of hours with the Forest. We have volunteer opportunities including:
  • recreation
  • wildlife & fisheries
  • research
  • office & clerical

As a volunteer, you choose an area of interest to you and we match your skills and interests with our needs. Training will be provided to you if your job requires it. You may work on a part time or full-time basis. You can participate in a one-time project or serve over several months, seasons or year-round. The commitment you make is up to you.

Who can volunteer

Anyone over the age of 18 may apply to volunteer. If you are under the age of 18 you may still participate by working with your family, group, club, or responsible adult(s).

How to get started ~ Let's Talk!

Take a look at the opportunities available and then give us a holler. We'd really like to visit with you and find out exactly what you're interested in.

Benefits of volunteering

Besides the great benefits of helping your Willamette National Forest, you will:

  • Gain a sense of self satisfaction and accomplishment in performing a much needed service.
  • Learn new skills, which you can share with others.
  • Make a positive contribution to the forest areas you have enjoyed using.
  • Meet new people and make new friends.

Volunteer Showcase

Several volunteer groups have a long history of working with the Forest. Take a look at examples of the good work done by some of these volunteer groups. And this is just a sampling! If you are one of those people who volunteered, thanks for your time and effort! We couldn't do it without you.