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Hills Creek Reservoir Public Use Plan

We want your ideas!

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and the Willamette National Forest (USFS) are asking for input to identify potential issues and possible management actions for public use of Hills Creek Reservoir. Hills Creek Reservoir, located in Lane County, near Oakridge, Oregon, is a popular destination for camping, boating, and fishing.

The COE and USFS are cooperatively developing a Public Use Plan for the reservoir. The plan is intended to identify recreation opportunities for the public while protecting habitat for wildlife species of interest. Funded in part by funds through the Rural Secure Schools Act (commonly referred to as Payments to Counties), the plan will identify and prioritize public use management issues, recommend future management actions, identify restoration activities and more clearly define roles of the cooperating agencies.

Please share your ideas on the current joint-management situation at the reservoir, public use issues, and thoughts on a desired future condition for the reservoir.

To comment, contact D'Lynn Williams Middle Fork Ranger District, (541) 782-5341, or email


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