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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

 Obtain the data on CD-ROM

You can obtain a copy of this data on CD-ROM if you contact Rosana Costello (, GIS analyst at (541) 225-6383. There is a $40 charge if you request the data on physical media.

 What will I need to view the files?

Many of these files are large, so please check the file size listed before downloading. All data files have been compressed with the Unix Compress utility. PC users can use a zip utility such as WinZip or gunzip to unpack these. Unix users should use the uncompress command.

You'll also need GIS software, available from ESRI, to view the spatial data. Many other GIS and graphics software packages have a utility to import *.e00 format files.

 How old is this data?

GIS information may be updated, corrected, or otherwise modified without notification. We typically update the set of coverages on the website twice yearly. Individual coverages have different update strategies and cycles; some are more dynamic than others. If using the most current data available is critical to your information needs, please check with Willamette GIS ( for the status of that coverage.

Welcome to the Willamette National Forest - Supervisors Office GIS Data Dictionary. This page contains metadata, or data about data, for our spatial data sets. The data sets are organized by theme. For example, if you are interested in a data set that has to do with water, just click on the water link in the table of contents. Then click on the name of the data set of interest to view the data dictionary.

Each data dictionary will explain geographic information about the data set, who the data steward is, how the data set was built, and other associated information. It will also describe the database tables that are associated with the data set. Please contact the data steward if you have questions about the content of the data. Their phone number is included within the data dictionary.

The digital data is available on line free of charge. Just click on the Download link that is contained within the individual data dictionary.

The data is packaged in the following formats:

Spatial Data is provided in Arc/Info export format (*.e00). These files can be used in Arc/Info, ArcView, or ArcExplorer GIS software packages. ArcExplorer is a free spatial data viewer that can read Arc/Info data sets. There is a free import utility that will import Arc/Info export files. ( Many other GIS and graphics software packages have a utility to import these files.

Tabular Data is provided in ascii delimited text files. These files are delimited with commas, and text fields are double quoted. They were built on a PC so they have a carriage return/line feed combination at the end of each line. Unix users should import these via a PC based program then export and transfer them via ftp to remove the linefeed character, or use the dos2ux utility.

Available Data Sets - 12/28/2001


admn - Delineates the Forest boundary, other ownerships within the Forest boundary and Ranger district boundaries. Data Steward: Cathy McGrath (541) 225-6386

index - INDEX is a polygon coverage made up of all the tiles (quads) in the library. This coverage spatially references all individual tile workspaces in the library. Data Steward: Cathy McGrath (541) 225-6386

wilder - Wilderness areas on the forest. Areas designated by congressional action under the 1964 Wilderness Act and subsequent acts in 1984 & 1996. Undeveloped federal land retaining its primeval character & managed to preserve their natural conditions. Data Steward: Cathy McGrath (541) 225-6386


photo97 - Photo97 provides a locational index of 1997 1:12,000 scale color air photo flight of the Willamette National Forest. The photography was flown from 1997 - 1999. Data Steward: Cathy McGrath (541) 225-6386

plsp - Township / Range / Section map for the quads for the Willamette National Forest. Data Steward: Rosana Costello (541) 225-6383

bgea - Areas delineated for managing deer and elk habitat to meet the objectives outlined in the 1990 Forest Plan. The mapped areas consist of one to several subwatersheds and range from 1000 to 15000 acres in size. Habitat effectiveness objectives are assigned to each emphasis rating. For fuller description of the emphasis areas see Willamette National Forest Plan 1990 - Forest wide Standards & Guidelines, Chapter IV, p. 67-70. Data Steward: Sonja Weber (541) 225-6449

eran - Winter range is a an area used by deer and elk during the winter months; usually at lower elevation and/or on south and west exposures. Data Steward: Sonja Weber (541) 225-6449


firereg - Fire Regimes are described by the historic average fire frequency, severity, and size. Data Steward: Dawn Pozzani


geol - Willamette National Forest portion of the digital version of the Geologic Map of Oregon (1991) produced by U.S.Geologic Survey. Data Steward: Mark Truebe (541) 225-6360


trail -Willamette National Forest trail system. Data Steward: Della Webb (541) 225-6427

trailhd - Coverage of trail heads for forest wide trail system. Data Steward: Della Webb (541) 225-6427

tran -Road system. Data Steward: Palmer Utterback (541) 225-6362

Mgt direction

ira - Inventoried Roadless Areas designated in the National EIS for Roadless Area Conservation resulting in the final Roadless Rule (1/12/2001). Data Steward: Allison Reger (541) 225-6444

lmp - Delineations of the management areas defined in the 1990 Willamette National Forest Plan as amended by the NW Forest Plan (1994). Data Steward: Allison Reger (541) 225-6444

lsr -This layer delineates the Late-Successional Reserves and Adpative Management Areas designated in the President's Plan (1994). Data Steward: Allison Reger (541) 225-6444


view -Major viewsheds of WNF. Viewsheds are corridors along designated highways consisting of the visible foreground & middleground areas as seen or potentially seen from these highways. Data Steward: Allison Reger (541) 225-6444


sri - This layer contains the delineations of the soil landtype mapping units defined in the 1992 update to the SRI (Soil Resource Inventory.) Data Steward: Deigh Bates (541) 225-6430


veg8 - Existing vegetation. Data Steward: Rosana Costello (541) 225-6383


h2opoly - The Hydropoly layer includes information about lakes and water bodies as well as some stream information. It incorporates the former Lakes layer to which was added the entire set of lakes from the CFF codes on the Primary Base Series quads. The stream class and site tree information included on this layer were taken from the Streams layer. Data Steward: Cathy McGrath (541) 225-6386

str - Streams. Data Steward: Deigh Bates (541) 225-6430

wqms -Water Quality Monitoring Stations maps the location of the monitoring stations established along certain streams. Data Steward: Deigh Bates (541) 225-6430



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