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1994 IFDPs

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1994-492 (December 1994)
Loss Aversion in a Consumption/Savings Model
David Bowman, Deborah Minehart, and Matthew Rabin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(567 KB PDF)

1994-491 (December 1994)
Terms-of-Trade Uncertainty and Economic Growth: Are Risk Indicators Significant in Growth Regressions?
Enrique G. Mendoza
Abstract and related information | Full paper(516 KB PDF)

1994-490 (December 1994)
Politics, Economics, and Investment: Explaining Plant and Equipment Spending by U.S. Direct Investors in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico
Guy V.G. Stevens
Abstract and related information | Full paper(819 KB PDF)

1994-489 (November 1994)
On the Dynamic Properties of Asymmetric Models of Real GNP
Allan D. Brunner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(287 KB PDF)

1994-488 (October 1994)
A Distributed Block Approach to Solving Near-Block-Diagonal Systems with an Application to a Large Macroeconometric Model
Jon Faust and Ralph Tryon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(225 KB PDF)

1994-487 (October 1994)
Conditional and Structural Error Correction Models
Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(202 KB PDF)

1994-486 (October 1994)
Bank Positions and Forecasts of Exchange Rate Movements
Michael P. Leahy
Abstract and related information | Full paper(185 KB PDF)

1994-485 (October 1994)
Technological Progress and Endogenous Capital Depreciation: Evidence from the U.S. and Japan
Robert Dekle
Abstract and related information | Full paper(397 KB PDF)

1994-484 (October 1994)
Are Banks Market Timers or Market Makers? Explaining Foreign Exchange Trading Profits
John Ammer and Allan D. Brunner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(381 KB PDF)

1994-483 (September 1994)
Constant Returns and Small Markups in U.S. Manufacturing
Susanto Basu and John G. Fernald
Abstract and related information | Full paper(323 KB PDF)

1994-482 (September 1994)
The Real Exchange Rate and Fiscal Policy During the Gold Standard Period: Evidence from the United States and Great Britain
Graciela L. Kaminsky and Michael Klein
Abstract and related information | Full paper(517 KB PDF)

1994-481 (September 1994)
The Debt Crisis: Lessons of the 1980s for the 1990s
Graciela L. Kaminsky and Alfredo Pereira
Abstract and related information | Full paper(463 KB PDF)

1994-480 (September 1994)
Who Will Join EMU? Impact of the Maastricht Convergence Criteria on Economic Policy Choice and Performance
R. Sean Craig
Abstract and related information | Full paper(412 KB PDF)

1994-479 (August 1994)
Determinants of the 1991-93 Japanese Recession: Evidence from a Structural Model of the Japanese Economy
Allan D. Brunner and Steven B. Kamin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(902 KB PDF)

1994-478 (August 1994)
On Risk, Rational Expectations, and Efficient Asset Markets
Guy V.G. Stevens and Dara Akbarian
Abstract and related information | Full paper(988 KB PDF)

1994-477 (August 1994)
Finance and Growth: A Synthesis and Interpretation of the Evidence
Alexander Galetovic
Abstract and related information | Full paper(724 KB PDF)

1994-476 (July 1994)
Trade Barriers and Trade Flows Across Countries and Industries
Jong-Wha Lee and Phillip Swagel
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1659 KB PDF)

1994-475 (July 1994)
The Constancy of Illusions or the Illusion of Constancies: Income and Price Elasticities for U.S. Imports, 1890-1992
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(566 KB PDF)

1994-474 (June 1994)
The Dollar as an Official Reserve Currency Under EMU
Michael P. Leahy
Abstract and related information | Full paper(425 KB PDF)

1994-473 (June 1994)
Inflation Targeting in the 1990s: The Experiences of New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom
John Ammer and Richard T. Freeman
Abstract and related information | Full paper(326 KB PDF)

1994-472 (June 1994)
International Capital Mobility in the 1990s
Maurice Obstfeld
Abstract and related information | Full paper(908 KB PDF)

1994-471 (June 1994)
The Effect of Changes in Reserve Requirements on Investment and GNP
Prakash Loungani and Mark Rush
Abstract and related information | Full paper(313 KB PDF)

1994-470 (May 1994)
International Economic Implications of the End of the Soviet Union
William L Helkie, David H. Howard, and Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(404 KB PDF)

1994-469 (May 1994)
International Dimension of European Monetary Union: Implications for the Dollar
Karen H. Johnson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(382 KB PDF)

1994-468 (May 1994)
European Monetary Arrangements: Implications for the Dollar, Exchange Rate Variability and Credibility
Hali J. Edison and Linda S. Kole
Abstract and related information | Full paper(584 KB PDF)

1994-467 (May 1994)
Fiscal Policy Coordination and Flexibility Under European Monetary Union: Implications for Macroeconomic Stabilization
Jay H. Bryson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(294 KB PDF)

1994-466 (May 1994)
The Federal Funds Rate and the Implementation of Monetary Policy: Estimating the Federal Reserve's Reaction Function
Allan D. Brunner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(428 KB PDF)

1994-465 (April 1994)
Understanding the Empirical Literature on Purchasing Power Parity: The Post-Bretton Woods Era
Hali J. Edison, Joseph E. Gagnon, and William R. Melick
Full paper(473 KB PDF)

1994-464 (April 1994)
Inflation, Inflation Risk, and Stock Returns
John Ammer
Abstract and related information | Full paper(393 KB PDF)

1994-463 (March 1994)
Are Apparent Productive Spillovers a Figment of Specification Error?
Susanto Basu and John G. Fernald
Abstract and related information | Full paper(484 KB PDF)

1994-462 (March 1994)
When Do Long-run Identifying Restrictions Give Reliable Results?
Jon Faust and Eric M. Leeper
Abstract and related information | Full paper(555 KB PDF)

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