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1979 IFDPs

IFDP ordering information

1979-150 (September 1979)
Protection, Real Wage Resistance and Employment: An Analysis of Some Proposals of the Cambridge Economic Policy Group
Barry J. Eichengreen
Full paper(672 KB PDF)

1979-149 (August 1979)
A Test of the Existence of the Risk Premium in the Foreign Exchange Market vs. The Hypothesis of Perfect Substitulability
Jeffrey A. Frankel
Full paper(573 KB PDF)

1979-148 (August 1979)
A Technique for Extracting a Measure of Expected Inflation From the Interest Rate Term Structure
Jeffrey A. Frankel
Full paper(392 KB PDF)

1979-147 (August 1979)
A Simple Model of the Welfare Effects of Central Bank Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market
Frank McCormick
Full paper(157 KB PDF)

1979-146 (July 1979)
The U.S. Sector of the Multi-Country Model and Its Mulipliers
Sung Y. Kwack
Full paper(931 KB PDF)

1979-145 (June 1979)
Expected and Unexpected Changes in Exchange Rates
Peter Isard
Full paper(282 KB PDF)

1979-144 (June 1979)
The Impact of Changes in the Federal Reserve's Discount Rate on the Dollar's Foreign Exchange Value
Kathleen H. Brown
Full paper(158 KB PDF)

1979-143 (June 1979)
Balance-of-Payments Adjustment from a U.S. Perspective: The Lessons of the 1970s
Edwin M. Truman
Full paper(344 KB PDF)

1979-142 (June 1979)
The Dynamic Effects of Exchange Market Intervention Policy: Two Extreme Views and a Synthesis
Dale W. Henderson
Full paper(663 KB PDF)

1979-141 (May 1979)
The Portfolio-Balance Model of Exchange Rates
Michael P. Dooley and Peter Isard
Full paper(352 KB PDF)

1979-140 (May 1979)
U.S. Direct Investment Receipts and Payments: Models and Projections
Lois Stekler
Full paper(278 KB PDF)

1979-139 (May 1979)
Testing for Rational Expectations in Foreign Exchange Markets
Ralph Tryon
Full paper(172 KB PDF)

1979-138 (April 1979)
Assessing International Interdependence With a Multi-Country Model
Howard Howe, Ernesto Hernandez-Cata, Guy Stevens, Richard Berner, Peter Clark, and Sung Y. Kwack
Full paper(730 KB PDF)

1979-137 (April 1979)
Wage Indexation, Flexible Exchange Rates, and Macro-Economic Policy
Jeffrey Sachs
Full paper(449 KB PDF)

1979-136 (April 1979)
The Real Rate of Interest on International Financial Markets
David H. Howard
Full paper(478 KB PDF)

1979-135 (April 1979)
The Apparent Effects of Recent IMF Stabilization Programs
Thomas A. Connors
Full paper(187 KB PDF)

1979-134 (April 1979)
U. S. Banks and the North American Euro-Currency Market
Rodney H. Mills, Jr. and Eugenie D. Short
Full paper(317 KB PDF)

1979-133 (March 1979)
Financial Policies in Open Economies
Dale W. Henderson
Full paper(268 KB PDF)

1979-132 (March 1979)
Covered-Interest Arbitrage: Unexpolited Profits: Comment
Frank McCormick
Full paper(270 KB PDF)

1979-131 (February 1979)
The Japanese Sector of the Multi-Country Model
Ernesto Hernandez-Cata
Full paper(953 KB PDF)

1979-130 (February 1979)
Monetary Policy Under Alternative Exchange-Rate Regimes: Simulations with Muliti-Country Model
Ernesto Hernandez-Cata, Howard Howe, Sung Y. Kwack, Guy Stevens, Richard Berner, and Peter Clark
Full paper(371 KB PDF)

1979-129 (January 1979)
Optimal International Borrowing With Default
Richard Freeman
Full paper(684 KB PDF)

1979-128 (January 1979)
Impact of the Dollar Depreciation of the U.S. Price Level: An Analytical Survey of Empirical Estimates
Peter Hooper and Barbara Lowrey
Full paper(989 KB PDF)

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