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The Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team

Fact Sheet 103-99 (May 1999)

|| Interagency Participation || EROS Hosts Initial Phase of SAST || SAST Upper Mississippi River Data Base ||
|| Internet Access to the SAST Data Base || SAST Distributed Clearinghouse ||
|| Floodplain and River Basin Management || Major Accomplishments and Activities || Information ||

A color Landsat image of 1993 flood peak at St. Louis, MO.

Landsat™ image showing near maximum stage of the 1993 flood peak at St. Louis, MO. Dark Blue delineates areas of water.


The flood of 1993 in the Upper Mississippi River Basin caused wide-spread devastation. The human and economic costs were high. The total flood and other related damage estimates were in the $10 billion to $16 billion range, with total Federal expenditures in excess of $5.4 billion. In response to the effects of the flood of 1993, the White House established the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team (SAST) on November 24, 1993. The SAST's goals are to provide scientific advice and assistance to policymakers and officials responsible for flood recovery and river basin management in the Upper Mississippi River Basin and to prepare a data base to support those goals.

Interagency Participation

The SAST exemplifies how Federal agencies can work with each other and with non-Federal organizations to accomplish national goals. The SAST was an interdisciplinary team of senior scientists and engineers from the Department of Agriculture (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Department of Defense (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Department of the Interior (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey), Environmental Protection Agency, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Initial funding was provided by FEMA, and additional funds were provided through two emergency supplemental appropriations to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Critical assistance was also provided by the Department of Commerce (National Weather Service, State governments, the academic community, private industry, and nongovernment not-for-profit organizations.

EROS Data Center Hosts Initial Phase of SAST

The SAST received indepth technical and scientific support from the USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center (EDC) in Sioux Falls, S. Dak., and met at the EDC for an initial workshop during December 1993 to identify the scope of the problem and to begin to address the many logistical issues that the team would encounter. Beginning in early January 1994, the SAST spent a concentrated 10-week period at the EDC, when most of the 250 gigabytes of data in the SAST Upper Mississippi data base were compiled. After March 1994, the SAST functioned as a distributed team with members working at their home offices or laboratories. The team disbanded in 1997. Additional related scientific work is being done by former members of the team and other scientists. Former team members are often called upon to provide advice or support in solving regional, national, and international problems.

The SAST Upper Mississippi River Data Base

While at the EDC, the SAST built a multiresolution data base covering the geographic extent of the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The most concentrated and complete data are along the floodplains of the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri Rivers. These flood-plains represent the areas of greatest interest to policymakers responsible for reacting to the 1993 flood, maintaining the Federal levee system, and restoring habitat. The data base contains advanced very high resolution radiometer, Landsat thematic mapper, and other satellite data; elevation data; selected digitized photographs; historical channel geometries; synthetic structures; geologic, biologic, hydrologic, hydrographic, soil survey, hazardous, and toxic data; and data on many other topics. Numerous links have been made to other organizations, both domestic and international.

Internet Access to the SAST Data Base

Primary access to the data base is through the Internet using commercial browsers that can access data in World Wide Web servers. This allows immediate access to the most current versions of the individual data layers and associated documentation, such as spatial metadata and related publications. For users who do not have Internet access, selected data sets will be made available on digital media by contacting:

Customer Services
U.S. Geological Survey
EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, SD 57198
Telephone: 605-594-6151

Users can access the SAST data from the following Web site:

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SAST Clearinghouse flow diagram.

The SAST Clearinghouse meets the specifications of the Federal Geographic Data Committee. Both Federal and non-Federal organizations are responsible for maintaining and distributing data to the user community.
Description of the diagram.

The SAST Distributed Clearinghouse for Data and Information

Data maintenance, management, and distribution primarily use the distributed clearinghouse model. The SAST clearinghouse serves as a prototype for the Federal Geographic Data Committee and helps promote the National Spatial Data Infrastructure and the National Information Infrastructure. The EDC acts as the central node of the SAST clearinghouse. Other Federal, State, local, and tribal governments and nongovernment organizations act as nodes on the system. Each node is responsible for maintaining and distributing its own data to the user community. The EDC assists other organizations in designing mechanisms to meet quality assurance, documentation, data comparability, and distribution requirements.

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St. Louis  shown at 1:100,000-scale.

Computer-generated geographic information system image of the St. Louis 1:100,000-scale quadrangle. Orange designates levees and green triangles show toxic release inventory sites. Light blue shows the flood extent in 1993.


Floodplain and River Basin Management

The data and information that the SAST has provided to policymakers and floodplain managers assisted them in recovery and restoration from the flood of 1993 and will allow them to establish effective river basin and floodplain management practices for preventing or lessening the effects of future floods. The SAST recommended that these management techniques incorporate the needs of both the natural ecosystem and human activity. The analysis, results, and recommendations of the SAST have influenced long-term policy on many issues in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The SAST serves as an example of a comprehensive Federal approach to planning and emergency preparedness.

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Major Accomplishments and Activities

A black and white picture showing the Upper Mississippi River Basin.

Digital shaded-reflief map showing the topography of the Upper Mississippi River Basin.


A color map of St. Louis 1:100,000-scale.

Crop disaster payments by county in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Red area show greatest dollar payment amounts.


For More Information

For more information on the SAST, contact:

Gary Fisher
U.S. Geological Survey
519 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
703-648-5165; Fax 703-648-5542

John Kelmelis
U.S. Geological Survey
519 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
703-648-4792; Fax 703-648-5542

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This document has undergone official review and approval for publications established by the National Mapping Division, U.S. Geological Survey. Some figures, have been modified or added to improve the scientific visualization of information.

U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological Survey — 509 National Center, Reston, VA 20192, USA
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