C. B. van Niel -- Publications - 1923 Ueber die Beweglichkeit und das Vorkommen von Geiszeln bei einigen Sarcina Arten, Centralbl, Bak#teriol. Parasitenk. II, Abt. 69. 289-298. 1924-S Ueber Spiegelbilder erzeugende Hefenarten und die neue Hefen- gattung Sporobolomvces. Centralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. 63. l-20 (With A. J, Kluyver), F925 1926 1927 1928 $929 $930 1931 Die Fehlerhafte Anwendung biologischer Agenzien in der or- ganischen Chemie: Eine Warnung. Ber. d.deut. Chem. Gesellsch. 58. 1606-1610 (With F. Visser 't Hooft), geber Bacillus funisularius n. sp., nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber Gallionella ferrugines Ehrenberg. Planta, Arch. wissensch. Botanik, 2, 507-526 (With A. J. Kluyver). De wijzen van voortbeweging van Mikroorganismen. Nederl. Tijdschr. Hygiene, Microbial. en Serol. L 305-326. Same title, Pt. II. Ibid. 2, 93-113. Die Herstellung von Essigs&re, Zitronensgure und Milch&re; von Direktor Alfred Wagner; 2 ~01s. Book review in Chem. Weekbl. ?? Sporobolomyces-- ein Basidiomyzet? Ann. Mycologici, 2& 3890 394 (With A. J. Kluyver). Notiz Gber die quantitative Bestimmung von Diacetyl und Acetylmethylcarbinol. Biochem. Z,, 187, 472478. Selman A. Waksman's "Principles of Soil Microbiology." Hook review in Chem. Weekbl. ?? The Propionic Acid Bacteria. viii plus 187 pp. J. W. Boissevain & co., Haar lem. Ueber das Butteraroma. Biochem. Z., 210, 234-251 (With A. J. Kluyver and H. G. Derx). Photosynthesis of Bacteria. In: Contributions to Marine Biology. Stanford Univ. Press, pp- 161-169. On the morphology and physiology of the purple and green sulfur bacteria. Arch. Mikrobiol., & 1-112. On the purple bacteria and their significance for the study Of photosynthesis. Rec. Trav, Botan. Nearland., 2& 245-274 (With F. M. Muller). C. B. van Niel Publications Page 2 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 Photosynthesis of Bacteria. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. III, 138-150. A note on the apparent absence of Azotobacter in soils. Arch. Mikrob. 5, 215-218. Studies on the pigments of the purple bacteria. I. On spiril- loxanthin, a component of the pigment complex of Snirillum rubrum. Ibid. 219-229 (With James H. C. Smith). Prospects for a natural system of classification of bacteria. Centralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk, II. Abt., 94, 369403 (With A, J, Kluyver). On the metabolism of the Thiorhodaceae. Arch. Mikrobiol., z, 323-358. Les photosynth&ses bacteriennes. Bull. Assoc. Dipl. Microbial. Fat. de Pharmacie de Nancy, No. 13, 3-18. The biochemistry of bacteria. Ann. Rev. Biochem., L 595-620. The quantitative estimation of bacteriochlorophyll. Enzymologia, 5, 244-250 (With William Arnold). A. J. Kluyver als Mikrobioloog en als Biochemikus. Chem. weekbl., 36, No. 19; l-36. The biochemistry of micro-organisms; an approach to general and comparative biochemistry. In: "The Cell and Protoplasm,' Public. No. 14 Amer. Assoc. Advancement Science, pp. 106-119. On the occurrence of fermentative assimilation. J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., 17, 49-56 (With E. H. Anderson). The bacterial photosyntheses and their importance for the general problem of photosynthesis. Advances Enzymology, L 263-328. The main outlines of bacterial classification. J. Bacterial., 42, 437466 (With R. Y. Stanier). On the metabolism of Candida albicans, J, Cell. and Comp. Physiol. 20, 95-112 (With Arthur L. Cohen). Radioactive carbon as an indicator of carbon dioxide utilization. VIII, The role of carbon dioxide in cellular metabolism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 28, 8-15 (With S. Ruben, S. F. Carson, M. D. Kamen and J. W. Foster). Same title: IX. The assimilation of carbon dioxide by protozoa. Ibid., 157-161 (With J. 0. Thomas, S, Ruben and M. D. Kamen). C. B. van Niel Publi *cations 1943 Biochemistry of MiCrOOrganiSmS. Ann. Rev. Biochem., XII, 551-586. 1944 1946 1947 1948 1949 1952 page 3 Biochemical problems of the chemo-aututrophic bacteria, Physiol. Revs., 23, 338-354. The culture, general physiology, morphology, and classification of the non-sulfur purple and brown bacteria. Bacterial. Rev., a, l-118. Studies on the pigments of the purple bacteria. II. A spectro- scopic and stereochemical investigation of spirilloxanthin. Arch. Biochem. 5, 243-264 (With A. Polggr and L. Zechmeister). Recent advances in our knowledge of the physiology of micro- organisms. Bacterial. Revs. g, 225-234. Review of ZoBell's "Marine Microbiology." Quar. Rev. Biol,, 21, 302-303. The classification and natural relationships of bacteria. cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, XI, 285-301. Life and Light--Photosynthesis. In: "Science and Life in the World," George Westinghouse Centennial Forum, Vol. II, pp. 149- 161 (McGraw-Hill Book Co.). Studies on the pigments of the purple bacteria. III. The yellow and red pigments of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, J. Microbial. & Serol., 12, 156-166. Sections in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 6th ed.: Genus Propionibacterium (pp. 372-379); Suborder Rhodo- bacteriineae (pp. 838-874): Family Beggiatoaceae (pp. 988-996); Fam. Achromatiaceae (pp. 997-1001). The comparative biochemistry of photosynthesis. Amer. Scientist, 37, 371-383. The kinetics of growth of microorganisms. In: The Chemistry and Physiology of Growth, Ed. Arthur K. Parpart, pp. 91-105 (Princeton Univ. Press). The Comparative Biochemistry of Photosynthesis. In: "Photosyn- thesis in Plants," Ed. James Franck & Walter E. Loomis; pp. 4370 495 (Iowa State Coil. Press). The "Delft School" and the rise of general microbiology. Bac- teriol. Revs., I& 161-174. Review of Werkman & Wilson's "Bacterial Physiology." Arch. Bio- them. Biophys., 37, 498-501. Review of "Carbon dioxide assimilation and photosynthesis," Science, 115, 611-612. C!, B, van Niel Publications page 4 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Bacterial Photosyntheses, Chapter 75 of "The Enzymes,l' Vol. II, Pt. 2, Ed. James B, Sumner & Karl Myrback; pp. 1074-1088 (Acad. Press). Review of E. I, Rabinowitch's "Photosynthesis and Related Pro- cesses," Vol. II, Pt. 1, in: News Letter Sot, Amer. Bacteriolo- gists, 18, 25-26, Experiments on bacterial denitrification., 397-412 (With M, B, Allen), J. Bacterial., 64, A note on Pseudomonas stutzeri, Ibid, 413-422 (With M, B. Allen). On the energetics of the photosyntheses in green sulfur bacteria, J, Gen, Physiol. 36, 161-171 (With Helge Larsen and C, S. Yocum). Introductory remarks on the comparative biochemistry of micro- organisms. J. Cell. and Compo Physiol, 41, Suppl. 1, 11-38, On the photochemical reduction of nitrate by algae. Biochim, Biophys. Acta, l& 67-74 (With M. B, Allen and B. E. Wright). The chemoautotrophic and photosynthetic bacteria. Ann. Rev. Microbial. &, 105-132. The microbe as a whole, In: "Perspectives and Horizons in Micro- biology," Ed. Selman A. Waksman; pp- 3-12, Rutgers Univ. Press. On radicalism and conservatism in science. Bacterial, Revs, 19, 1-5. Natural selection in the microbial world. J, Gen. Microbial. 13, 201-217, Classification and taxonomy of the bacteria and bluegreen algae. In: "A Century of Progress in the Natural Sciences--1853-1953," pp. 89-114 (Calif, Acad. Sci.). "The Microbe's Contribution to Biology." Harvard Univ. Press, vii plus 182 pp- (With A, J, Kluyver), Studies in carotenogenesis. 21, The nature of the changes in carotenoid synthesis in Rhodospirillum rubrum during growth. Biochem. J. 63, 408-412 (With T. W, Goodwin and M. E, Sissins). Prof. A, J. Kluyver, For. Mem. R, S. Nature, 178. 14-15. A, 3. Kluyver, Microbiologist. Science, 124, 308, Etude de la glycolyse de Zvmasarcina ventriculi. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 91, 363-368 (With G. Milhaud and J.-P, Aubert). C. B. van Niel Publications page 5 1956 In memoriam Prof. Dr. Ir. A. J. Kluyver. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, J. Microbiof. Serol., 22. 209-217. Im memoriam Professor Dr. A. J. Kluyver. News Letter, Sot. Amer. Bacterial., 22, 2-3. 1957 Review of E. I. Rabinowitch's "Photosynthesis and related pro- cesses," Vol. II, Pt. 2, In: Bacterial. News, Sot. Amer. Bac- teriologists, 23, 15-16. Levensbericht van Albert Jan Kluyver (3 juni 1888-14 mei 1956). In: Jaarboek Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. 1956-1957, pp. l-7. Obituary Notice: Albert Jan Kluyver, 1888-1956. J. Gen. Microbial. s, 499-521. Sections in 7th Ed. of Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteri- ology: Rhodobacteriineae (pp. 35-67); Propionibacterium (pp. 569-576); Achromatiaceae (pp. 851-853). 1958 Introduction to 2nd edition of Clifford Dobell's "Antony van Leeuwenhoek & his little animals, )I Russell & Russell, N.Y.: pp. i-vii. 1959 "Bacteria," Chapter 3 of 2nd ed. of Ward & Whipple's "Freshwater Biology," ed. W. T. Edmondson; pp. 16-46 (Wiley, N.Y.) (With R. Y. Stanier). Introduction to Chapter "Cellulases" in "Boring & Fouling Or- ganisms," ed. D. L. Ray, Univ. of Wash. Press: pp. 249-252. Kluyver's contributions to microbiology and biochemistry. In: "Albert Jan Kluyver, His Life and Work," pp. 68-156. Also English translations of articles in same volume, pp. vii-xv: 3-67; 157-210; 329-348; 393-415; 503-524; 565-567. 1960 Nomenclatorial standing of names of bacterial genera based on descriptions of impure culture. Internatl. Bull. Bacteriological nomencl. & Taxonomy, I& 29-30. Review of "The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function." Vol. I, ed. I. C. Gunsalus & R. Y. Stanier; Acad. Press, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Articles in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology: "Bacterial anabolism, Bacteriology, Fermentation, Microbiology, and Rhodobacteriineae," Vol. & pp. 47-63; 66-67: 2, 215: g, 348; ll, 550-553. 1961 Introductory comments to session of the symposium "Light and Life," ed. William D. McElroy and Bentley Glass, pp. 315-316 (Johns Hopkins Press). C. B. van Niel Publications page 6 1961 1962 1963 1965 1966 1967 1971 1972 Review of A. Schierbeek's "Measuring the Invisible World. The Life and Works of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek," in Isis, 52, 120-122. The concept of a bacterium. Arch. Mikrobiol., 42, 17-35 (With R. Y. Stanier). The present status of the comparative study of photosynthesis. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 13, l-26. Modern Microbiology, Review of Wayne W. Umbreit's textbook by that name. Science, 139, 202-203. The absence of enhancement (Emerson effect) in the photosyn- thesis of Rhodospirillum rubrum. In: "Microalgae & Photosyn- thetic Bacteria." Japanese Sot. Plant Physiologists, Tokyo, PP- 297-307 (With L. R. Blinks). A brief survey of the photosynthetic bacteria. In: "Bacterial Photosynthesis," H. Gest, A. San Pietro, L. P. Vernon, eds. Antioch Press, Yellow Springs, Ohio: pp. 459-467. "Selected Papers of Ernst Georg Pringsheim," Ed. and preface by C. B. van Niel. Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers Univ. Press. ix plus 331 pp. On aquatic microbiology today. Review of "Principles and Ap- plications in Aquatic Microbiology: Proceedings of the Rudolfs Research Conference, ed. H. Heukelekian and Norman C. Dondero. Science, 16 April, 1965; 353 pp. Microbiology and the developing areas. Review of "Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology," Science, 150, 1702-1703. Microbiology and molecular biology. Chapter IV of Symposium on stability in dynamic microbial systems. Quar. Rev. Biology, 41, 105-112. Lipmann's concept of the metabolic generation and utilization of phosphate bond energy: A historical appreciation. In: "Current Aspects of Biochemical Energetics," Acad. Press: 9-25 pp. Prefatory Chapter: The education of a microbiologist: some reflections. Ann. Rev. Microbial., 2& l-30. Review of "The Yeasts, A Taxonomic Study. It Second Edition, ed. J. Lodder. Science, 172, 552. Techniques for the enrichment, isolation, and maintenance of the photosynthetic bacteria. In: "Methods in Enzymology," Vol. XXIII - "Photosynthesis" Part A, pp. 3-28. (Acad. Press). On the mechanism of ballistospore discharge. Arch. Mikrobiol., 84, 129-140 (With G. E, Garner and A. L. Cohen). (SUPPLEMENT) PUBLICATIONS -- DR. VAN NIEL'S STUDENTS AND/OR CO-WORKERS (Partial List) 1950 Allen, M. B. The dynamic nature of thermophily. J. gen. Physiol., 33. 205-214. -* 1952 A. Schatz. Uptake of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and oxygen by Hydrogenomonas facilis. J. gen. Microbial. 6: 328-335. 1952 A. Schatz. Growth and hydrogenase activity of a new bacterium, Hydrogenomonas facilis. J. Bacterial. 63: 87-98. 1952 Lara, F. J. S., & J. L. Stokes. Oxidation of citrate by Escherichia coli. J. Bacterial., 63: 415-420. 1952 Gest, H., & J. L. Stokes. The effect of CO2 on the reduction of methylene blue by microorganisms. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 18, 55-62. 1952 Stokes, J. L. Inhibition of microbial oxidation, assimilation, and adaptive enzyme formation by methylene blue. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 18: 63-81. 1952 Vishniac, Wolf. The metabolism of Thiobacillus thioparus. I. The oxidation of thiosulfate. J. Bacterial., 64: 363-375. 1951 Ray, D. L. Agglutination of bacteria: A feeding method in the soil amoeba Hartmanella sp. J. Exp. Zool., &l8-: 443-466. 1953 Wright, Barbara E. The effect of alpha hydroxy acids on rever- sion of a glycineless E. coli mutant. C. Rend. Trav. Labor. Carlsberg, Ser. Physiol., 173-212. 1953 Whiteley, H. R. Cofactor requirements for the decarboxylation of succinate. J. Amer. Chem. Sot., 75: 1518-1519. 1953 Wright, Barbara E. Auto-adaptation: a new phenomenon observed in a bacterial population. J. Bacterial., 66: 407-420. 1954 Pinsent, Jane. The need for selenite and molybdate in the forma- tion of formic dehydrogenase by members of the Coli-aerogenes group of bacteria. Biochem. J., 57. 10-16. -* 1955 Winfield, M. E. Reactions of hydrogen gas in solution. Rev. Pure and Appl. Chem., Royal Australian Inst., 2: 217-246. 1956 Verhoeven, W. Studies on true dissimilatory nitrate reduction. V. Nitric oxide production and consumption by micro-organisms. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 22: 385-406. 1957 Battley, Edwin H. Carbon determination with alkaline persulfate in the Warburg manometer. J. Biol. Chem., 226: 237-240. (Suppl.) page 2 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1961 1963 1963 1963 1963 Whiteley, HO R. Fermentation of amino acids by Micrococcus aeroqenes. J. Bacterial,, 74: 324-330, - Whiteley, H. R., & E, J, Ordal, Fermentation of alpha keto acids by Micrococcus aeroqenes and M,- lactilyticus. J. Bacterial., 74: 331-336. Kucera, Sonia, & R, S, Wolfe. A selective enrichment method for Gallionella ferruqinea, J, Bacterial,, 74: 344-349, - Neff, Robert J, Purification, axenic cultivation, and distribu- tion of a soil amoeba, Acanthamoeba sp. J, Protozool., 4_: 176- 182. Neff, Robert J, Mechanisms of purifying amoeba by migration on agar surfaces. J. Protozool., 2: 226-231, Veldkamp, H, Jo Isolation and characteristics of Treponema zuelzerae, nov, spec., an anaerobic, free-living spirochete, Ant. van Leeuwenhoek, 26: 103-125. Battley, E. H. Growth reaction equations for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Physiol. Plantarum, 13: 192-203, Battley, E, H, Enthalpy changes accompanying the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Physiol. Plantarum, 13: 628-640, Battley, E. H, A theoretical approach to the study of the thermodynamics of growth of Saccharmovces cerevisiae (Hansen), Physiol. Plantarum, 13: 674-686. Scher, Stanley, & Michael Proctor, Studies with photosynthetic bacteria: Anaerobic oxidation of aromatic compounds. In: "Compara- tive Biochemistry of Photoreactive Systems," Ed, M, B, Allen, Acad, Press, pp- 387-394, Veldkamp, H. A study of two marine agar-decomposing, faculta- tively anaerobic myxobacteria, J. gen, Microbial,, 26: 331-342, - La Riviere, J. W, M, Cultivation and properties of Thiovulum majus Hinze, In: Symposium on Marine Microbiology, ed. C. H. Oppenheimer, Chas. C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill.; pp- 61-72. Leadbetter, E, R,, & Roger Whittenbury. Equivalence of hydrogen and thiosulfate in bacterial photosynthesis. Proc. Natl, Acad. Sci., 50: 1128-1135. London, J. Cytochrome in Thiobacillus thiooxidans, Sci,, 140: 409. London, J. Thiobacillus intermedius, nov, spO; A novel type of facultative autotr., Arch, Mikrobiol,, 6: 329-337. LQqwlo 1 page 3 1963 Canale-Parola, E, A red pigment produced by aerobic sporeforming bacteria, Arch, Mikrobiol,, 46: 414-427, - 1964 London, J,, & S. C0 Rittenberg. Path of sulfide and thiosulfate oxidation by Thiobacilli. Proc, Natl, Acad, Sci,, 52: 1183-1190, - 1964 Poindexter, Jeanne Stove. Biological properties and classifica- tion of the Caulobacter group0 Bacterial, Revs, 28: 231-295. - 1965 Bennett, John F., & E, Canale-Parola, The taxonomic status of Lineola lonqa. Arch, Mikrobiol.,, 2: 197-20So 1967 Bovell, Carlton, The effect of sodium nitrite on the growth of Micrococcus denitrificans, Arch, Mikrobiol., 59: 13-19. EMS/lo/72