Science, Medicine, Exploration, and Invention Items List
2 items available
- Albert Einstein's handwritten draft report, in German, on theoretical physics, with English transcription of same, 23 October 1937 (John Von Neumann Papers).
- Letter, Franklin D. Roosevelt to J. Robert Oppenheimer thanking the physicist and his colleagues for their ongoing secret atomic research, 29 June 1943 (J. Robert Oppenheimer Papers).
3 items available
- Letter, Wilbur Wright to Octave Chanute concerning the Wright brothers' aviation experiments, 13 May 1900 (Octave Chanute Papers).
- Telegram, Orville Wright to Bishop Milton Wright announcing the first successful
powered flight, 17 December [1903] (Wright Brothers Papers).
- Amelia Earhart's palm print and analysis of her character prepared by Nellie Simmons Meier, 28 June 1933 (Nellie Simmons Meier Collection).
2 items available
- Letter, Elizabeth Blackwell to Baroness Anne Isabella Milbanke Byron concerning
women's rights and the education of women physicians, 4 March 1851 (Blackwell Family Papers).
- Prescription written by Sigmund Freud for the wife of Sergius Pankejeff, the patient
known as the "Wolf-Man," 22 November 1919 (Sigmund Freud Collection).
4 items available
- Letter, Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Banneker expressing his belief that blacks
possess talents equal to those of "other colours of men," 30 August 1791 (Thomas Jefferson Papers).
- Manuscript map, probably made by a French voyageur, of Indian lands of eastern Wisconsin, when part of Michigan Territory, annotated by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, ca. 1831 (Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Papers).
- "Plan of the Ancient Works at Marietta, Ohio," by Charles Whittlesey, 1837 (E. G. Squier Papers).
- Letter, Margaret Mead to her grandmother Martha Ramsay Mead discussing her decision to retain her maiden name, 7 December 1923 (Margaret Mead Papers).
9 items available
- Thomas Jefferson's drawing of a macaroni machine and instructions for making
pasta, ca. 1787 (Thomas Jefferson Papers).
- Thomas Jefferson's design for a plow, ca. 1794 (Thomas Jefferson Papers).
- John Fitch's sketch and description of piston for steamboat propulsion, ca. 1795 (John Fitch Papers in the Peter Force Papers).
- Samuel F. B. Morse's colored sketch of railway telegraph, ca. 1838 (Samuel Finley
Breese Morse Papers).
- First telegraph message, 24 May 1844 (Samuel Finley Breese Morse Papers).
- Alexander Graham Bell's design sketch of the telephone, ca. 1876 (Alexander
Graham Bell Family Papers).
- "Autumn," poem by Helen Keller, 27 October 1893 (Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers).
- Plate, punch card, and instructions for Herman Hollerith's Electric Sorting and
Tabulating Machine, ca. 1895 (Herman Hollerith Papers).
- Lee De Forest's schematic diagrams and scientific notes on hotel stationery, ca. 1915 (Lee De Forest Papers).
Science, Medicine, Exploration, and Invention | Words and Deeds
am Sept-8-97