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Volume 8, Number 6, June 2002


Clinical Epidemiology of Malaria in the Highlands of Western Kenya

Simon I. Hay,*† Abdisalan M. Noor,† Milka Simba,† Millie Busolo,‡ Helen L. Guyatt,*† Sam A. Ochola,‡ and Robert W. Snow*†‡
*University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; †Kenya Medical Research Institute/Wellcome Trust Collaborative Programme, Nairobi, Kenya; and ‡Ministry of Health, Nairobi, Kenya

Figure 2. Time series of child admissions for the three study hospitals, Kenya....

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Figure 2. Time series of child admissions for the three study hospitals, Kenya. Time series of child admissions (<15 years of age) for Kilgoris (A), Kisii (B), and Tabaka (C) for 1980–1999, 1987–2000, and 1981–2000 time periods, respectively. The bold line is 25-point (month) moving average of the same data for child admissions.


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This page last reviewed July 9, 2002

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention