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Table A1
Percent Positive Salmonella Tests in the PR/HACCP Verification Testing Program by Product Class and Calendar Year,
1998 - 2007

All Samples

CY 2007
    Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product Baseline Prevalence (%) # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos
Broilers 20.0 6,306 7.6% 2,657 9.6% 445 15.3% 0   9,408 8.5%
Market Hogs 8.7 1,614 1.2% 2,435 3.9% 3,259 2.8% 0   7,308 2.8%
Cows/Bulls 2.7 460 0.0% 2,214 1.4% 1,295 0.8% 0   3,969 1.1%
Steers/Heifers 1.0 1,755 0.0% 1,395 0.2% 1,205 0.5% 0   4,355 0.2%
Ground Beef 7.5 883 4.8% 7,659 3.1% 5,153 1.6% 0   13,695 2.7%
Ground Chicken 44.6 67 61.2% 373 19.6% 66 28.8% 0   506 26.3%
Ground Turkey 49.9 631 18.4% 153 17.0% 36 2.8% 0   820 17.4%
Turkeys 19.6 1,334 7.2% 410 2.9% 0   0   1,744 6.2%

CY 2006
    Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product Baseline Prevalence (%) # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos
Broilers 20.0 6,856 10.4% 2,962 12.7% 388 19.8% 0   10,206 11.4%
Market Hogs 8.7 895 1.3% 2,091 4.9% 4256 4.2% 0   7,242 4.0%
Cows/Bulls 2.7 235 0.0% 1,338 0.9% 673 1.0% 0   2,246 0.8%
Steers/Heifers 1.0 1,142 0.1% 1,277 0.6% 1,255 0.1% 0   3,674 0.3%
Ground Beef 7.5 605 3.3% 9,584 2.3% 7,660 1.4% 0   17,849 2.0%
Ground Chicken 44.6 89 60.7% 101 41.6% 32 12.5% 0   222 45.0%
Ground Turkey 49.9 296 19.9% 145 21.4% 3 0.0% 0   444 20.3%
Turkeys 19.6 2,024 7.7% 761 5.5% 0   0   2,785 7.1%

"A" Set Samples

CY 2005
    Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product Baseline Prevalence (%) # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos
Broilers 20.0 6,853 14.7% 2,458 18.6% 280 32.9% 1 0.0% 9,592 16.3%
Market Hogs 8.7 1,410 2.2% 1,750 5.2% 3,488 3.6% 0   6,648 3.7%
Cows/Bulls 2.7 229 0.0% 975 1.5% 745 1.5% 0   1,949 1.3%
Steers/Heifers 1.0 788 0.0% 552 0.9% 750 0.9% 0   2,090 0.6%
Ground Beef 7.5 544 2.2% 9,070 1.4% 9,751 0.8% 0   19,365 1.1%
Ground Chicken 44.6 0   133 33.1% 12 25.0% 0   145 32.4%
Ground Turkey 49.9 799 24.8% 86 14.0% 40 12.5% 0   925 23.2%

CY 2004
    Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product Baseline Prevalence (%) # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos
Broilers 20.0 5,023 11.7% 1,871 18.2% 178 17.4% 0   7,072 13.5%
Market Hogs 8.7 1,274 2.2% 1,989 4.8% 4,597 2.7% 0   7,860 3.1%
Cows/Bulls 2.7 522 0.0% 1,801 0.6% 852 1.5% 0   3,175 0.8%
Steers/Heifers 1.0 1,471 0.0% 1,287 0.3% 1,469 0.5% 0   4,227 0.3%
Ground Beef 7.5 840 2.4% 15,336 2.0% 14,808 1.2% 0   30,984 1.6%
Ground Chicken 44.6 53 5.7% 254 29.1% 81 27.2% 0   388 25.5%
Ground Turkey 49.9 835 20.7% 177 19.2% 32 3.1% 0   1,044 19.9%

CY 1998-2003
    Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product Baseline Prevalence (%) # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos
Broilers 20.0 34,206 9.9% 12,102 13.7%


24.3% 0   47,090 11.2%
Market Hogs 8.7 8,763 3.2% 7,382 6.8% 13,723 3.7% 108 0.9% 29,976 4.3%
Cows/Bulls 2.7 1,276 0.4% 8,038 1.7% 3,570 2.9% 0   12,884 1.9%
Steers/Heifers 1.0 3,648 0.2% 3,995 0.6% 5,175 0.4% 17 0.0% 12,835 0.4%
Ground Beef 7.5 5,800 4.4% 79,251 3.3% 49,624 1.9% 113 7.1% 134,788 2.8%
Ground Chicken 44.6 567 16.2% 1,065 26.3% 90 16.7% 0   1,722 22.5%
Ground Turkey 49.9 4,367 28.0% 1,225 22.4% 199 17.1% 0   5,791 26.4%

All Years 1998 - 2007
    Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product Baseline Prevalence (%) # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos # Samp % Pos
Broilers 20.0 59,244 10.4% 22,050 14.0% 2,073 22.1% 1 0.0% 83,368 11.7%
Market Hogs 8.7 13,956 2.6% 15,647 5.6% 29,323 3.5% 108 0.9% 59,034 3.9%
Cows/Bulls 2.7 2,722 0.2% 14,366 1.4% 7,135 2.0% 0   24,223 1.5%
Steers/Heifers 1.0 8,804 0.1% 8,506 0.5% 9,854 0.4% 17 0.0% 27,181 0.3%
Ground Beef 7.5 8,672 4.0% 120,900 2.9% 86,996 1.6% 113 7.1% 216,681 2.4%
Ground Chicken 44.6 776 24.5% 1,926 26.6% 281 22.4% 0   2,983 25.7%
Ground Turkey 49.9 6,928 25.5% 1,786 21.1% 310 13.2% 0   9,024 24.2%
Turkeys 19.6 3,358 7.5% 1,171 4.6% 0   0   4,529 6.8%

Figure A1, Comparison of Percent Positive Salmonella Tests in the PR/HACCP Verification Testing Program with Baseline Prevalence, by Product Class and Calendar Year, 1998-2007 (PDF Only)

Table A2
Percent of Sample Sets Meeting the Salmonella Performance Standards*
By Product Class and Calendar Year, 1998-2007

All Sets

CY 2007
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 147 98.0% 63 96.8% 5 80.0% 0   215 97.2%
Market Hogs 29 100.0% 46 97.8% 72 95.8% 0   147 97.3%
Cows/Bulls 7 100.0% 34 94.1% 22 95.5% 0   63 95.2%
Steers/Heifers 24 100.0% 16 87.5% 17 94.1% 0   57 94.7%
Ground Beef 16 93.8% 144 95.1% 93 97.8% 0   253 96.0%
Ground Chicken 1 0.0% 7 100.0% 2 100.0% 0   10 90.0%
Ground Turkey 11 100.0% 4 100.0% 0   0   15 100.0%
Turkeys 35 100.0% 10 100.0% 0   0   45 100.0%

CY 2006
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 126 92.9% 52 82.7% 6 50.0% 0   184 88.6%
Market Hogs 26 100.0% 45 93.3% 74 93.2% 0   145 94.5%
Cows/Bulls 5 100.0% 20 95.0% 9 77.8% 0   34 91.2%
Steers/Heifers 11 100.0% 11 81.8% 11 100.0% 0   33 93.9%
Ground Beef 12 91.7% 186 96.8% 173 98.8% 0   371 97.6%
Ground Chicken 1 0.0% 1 100.0% 0   0   2 50.0%
Ground Turkey 9 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 0   12 100.0%
Turkeys 23 95.7% 10 90.0% 0   0   33 93.9%

"A" Sets

CY 2005
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 121 86.0% 45 73.3% 5
40.0% 0   171
Market Hogs 16 100.0% 24 83.3% 73 97.3% 0   113 94.7%
Cows/Bulls 3 100.0% 18 88.9% 17 100.0% 0   38 94.7%
Steers/Heifers 7 100.0% 8 87.5% 9 88.9% 0   24 91.7%
Ground Beef 11 100.0% 181 98.3% 199 98.5% 0   391 98.5%
Ground Chicken 0   5 80.0% 0   0   5 80.0%
Ground Turkey 12 100.0% 1 100.0% 0   0   13 100.0%

CY 2004
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 106 94.3% 36 77.8% 2 100.0% 0
  144 90.3%
Market Hogs 25 96.0% 35 85.7% 70 92.9% 0   130 91.5%
Cows/Bulls 9 100.0% 36 97.2% 16 81.3% 0   61 93.4%
Steers/Heifers 24 100.0% 19 94.7% 29 96.6% 0   72 97.2%
Ground Beef 16 93.8% 287 97.6% 268 97.0% 0   571 97.2%
Ground Chicken 1 100.0% 3 100.0% 1 100.0% 0   5 100.0%
Ground Turkey 18 94.4% 3 100.0% 0   0   21 95.2%

CY 1998-2003
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 660 92.1% 229 84.7% 12 50.0% 0   901 89.7%
Market Hogs 156 94.9% 126 83.3% 202 91.1% 1 100.0% 485 90.3%
Cows/Bulls 22 95.5% 128 85.9% 49 77.6% 0   199 84.9%
Steers/Heifers 37 100.0% 40 95.0% 36 88.9% 0   113 94.7%
Ground Beef 105 88.6% 1,411 92.6% 813 97.3% 3 66.7% 2,332 94.0%
Ground Chicken 9 100.0% 18 88.9% 1 100.0% 0   28 92.9%
Ground Turkey 74 94.6% 20 90.0% 3 100.0% 0   97 93.8%

All Years 1998-2007
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 1,160 92.5% 425 84.5% 30 56.7% 0   1,615 89.7%
Market Hogs 252 96.4% 276 87.7% 491 93.3% 1 100.0% 1,020 92.5%
Cows/Bulls 46 97.8% 236 89.8% 113 85.0% 0   395 89.4%
Steers/Heifers 103 100.0% 94 91.5% 102 93.1% 0   299 95.0%
Ground Beef 160 90.6% 2,209 94.3% 1,546 97.6% 3 66.7% 3,918 95.4%
Ground Chicken 12 83.3% 34 91.2% 4 100.0% 0   50 90.0%
Ground Turkey 124 96.0% 30 93.3% 4 100.0% 0   158 95.6%
Turkeys 58 98.3% 20 95.0% 0   0   78 97.4%
* Includes sample sets that completed during the indicated calendar year
(sample sets may have started during an earlier year).

Figure A2, Overall Percentages of Sample Sets Meeting Salmonella Performance Standards by Product Class and Calendar Year, 1998 - 2007 (PDF Only)

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"A" Sets

CY 2005
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 121 86.0% 45 73.3% 5
40.0% 0   171
Market Hogs 16 100.0% 24 83.3% 73 97.3% 0   113 94.7%
Cows/Bulls 3 100.0% 18 88.9% 17 100.0% 0   38 94.7%
Steers/Heifers 7 100.0% 8 87.5% 9 88.9% 0   24 91.7%
Ground Beef 11 100.0% 181 98.3% 199 98.5% 0   391 98.5%
Ground Chicken 0   5 80.0% 0   0   5 80.0%
Ground Turkey 12 100.0% 1 100.0% 0   0   13 100.0%

CY 2004
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 106 94.3% 36 77.8% 2 100.0% 0
  144 90.3%
Market Hogs 25 96.0% 35 85.7% 70 92.9% 0   130 91.5%
Cows/Bulls 9 100.0% 36 97.2% 16 81.3% 0   61 93.4%
Steers/Heifers 24 100.0% 19 94.7% 29 96.6% 0   72 97.2%
Ground Beef 16 93.8% 287 97.6% 268 97.0% 0   571 97.2%
Ground Chicken 1 100.0% 3 100.0% 1 100.0% 0   5 100.0%
Ground Turkey 18 94.4% 3 100.0% 0   0   21 95.2%

CY 1998-2003
  Large Small Very Small Unknown All Sizes
Product # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass # Sets % Pass
Broilers 660 92.1% 229 84.7% 12 50.0% 0   901 89.7%
Market Hogs 156 94.9% 126 83.3% 202 91.1% 1 100.0% 485 90.3%
Cows/Bulls 22 95.5% 128 85.9% 49 77.6% 0   199 84.9%
Steers/Heifers 37 100.0% 40 95.0% 36 88.9% 0   113 94.7%
Ground Beef 105 88.6% 1,411 92.6% 813 97.3% 3 66.7% 2,332 94.0%
Ground Chicken 9 100.0% 18 88.9% 1 100.0% 0   28 92.9%
Ground Turkey 74 94.6% 20 90.0% 3 100.0% 0   97 93.8%

Table 3
Establishments listed by product class and by percentage per category, 2007

Table 3, 2007
Category Broilers
Ground Beef
Ground Chicken
Ground Turkey
Market Hogs
Steer/ Heifer
1 74% (145) 65%
77% (733) 29%
2 24%
21% (195) 57%
3 2%
Total 195 113 945 14 25 252 120 38

*Number of Establishments sampled

Note: Table 3 replaces Table B from the 2006 Progress Report on Salmonella Testing of Raw Meat and Poultry Products. In this revised table, establishments eligible for testing within each product class are divided based on testing results into Categories 1, 2, or 3.
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Last Modified: May 1, 2008
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service