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Decontamination Performance for Chemical Agent Simulants

At Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) we tested the decontamination performance of the Sandia Decon Formulation for chemical agent simulants. The chemical agent simulants used were diphenyl chlorophosphate (simulant for G-agents), 2-chlorethyl phenylsulfide (simulant for H-agents) and O-ethyl-S-ethyl Phenylphosphonothioate (simulant for VX). Testing was done via solution tests (i.e., the agent was added to our decontamination solution) and surface tests (i.e., the agent was placed on a surface which was then exposed to our formulation). The half-lives for the decontamination of these CW agent simulants were on the order of few minutes. We utilized NMR studies to demonstrate that destruction of the VX simulant occurred via exclusive cleavage of the P-S bond. The absence of P-O bond cleavage is important since such cleavage would potentially result in the formation of a toxic byproduct. Our decontamination technology does not generate such toxic or hazardous byproducts.

We confirmed our chemical agent simulant test results by contracting with a facility licensed to perform live agent testing. Live agent test results for foam decontamination of paper with GD, VX, and HD are depicted below. The half-lives for the decontamination of these CW agents by the foam is on the order of 2 minutes to 15 minutes.

GD, VX, HD Decon

Decontamination of paper treated with chemical agent at 25mg/25 cm2. Foam was applied on contaminated paper for a given duration. Residual simulant on the paper and in the foam were determined by GC and added to determine total unreacted agent.

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