Species Profile
Environmental Conservation Online System

American Black bear (Ursus americanus)

Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae

Listing Status:    and  

General Information

In the East, nearly black; in the West, black to cinnamon, with white blaze on chest. A "blue" phase occurs near Yakutat Bay, Alaska, and a nearly white population on Gribble Island, British Columbia, and the neighboring mainland. Snout tan or grizzled; in profile straight or slightly convex. 3 pairs of upper incisors equal in size. Male much larger than female.

Population detail

The FWS is currently monitoring the following populations of the American Black bear 

  • Population location: U.S.A. (LA, all counties; MS, TX, only within the historic county range of the Louisiana black bear)
    Listing status:  Similarity of Appearance (Threatened)
    • States/US Territories in which this population is known to occur:  Louisiana , Mississippi , Texas
  • Population location: PA population
    Listing status:  Status Undefined
  • Population location: White River Population
    Listing status:  Status Undefined
Current Listing Status Summary
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
01/07/1992 Southeast Region (Region 4) County range of LA b.bear
Washington Office (Region 9) PA population
(Region ) White River Population

» Federal Register Documents

Most Recent Federal Register Documents (Showing 3 of 3 )
Date Citation Page Title
01/07/1992 57 FR 588 595 ETWP; Threatened Status for the Louisiana Black Bear and Related Rules
06/21/1990 55 FR 25341 25345 ETWP; Proposed Threatened Status for the Louisiana Black Bear. Proposed Designation of Threatened by Similarity of Appearnace of all Bears of the species Ursus americanus Within the Historic Range of U. a. luteolus; 55 FR 25341 25345
02/15/1983 48 FR 6752 675 Findings on Certain Petitions and Reviews of Status for Several Species; 48 FR 6752-6753
Most Recent Special Rule Publications (Showing 2 of 2 )
Date Citation Page Title
01/07/1992 57 FR 588 595 ETWP; Threatened Status for the Louisiana Black Bear and Related Rules
06/21/1990 55 FR 25341 25345 ETWP; Proposed Threatened Status for the Louisiana Black Bear. Proposed Designation of Threatened by Similarity of Appearnace of all Bears of the species Ursus americanus Within the Historic Range of U. a. luteolus; 55 FR 25341 25345

» Recovery

Recovery Plan Information Search

No recovery information is available for the American Black bear.

» Critical Habitat

No critical habitat rules have been published for the American Black bear.

» Conservation Plans

No conservation plans have been created for American Black bear

» Petitions

Most Recent Petition Findings (Showing 1 of 1 )
Date Citation Page Title Finding
02/15/1983 48 FR 6752 675 Findings on Certain Petitions and Reviews of Status for Several Species; 48 FR 6752-6753
  • Notice 90-day Petition Finding, Not substantial
  • » Life History

    No Life History information has been entered into this system for this species.

    » Other Resources

    NatureServe Explorer Species Reports -- NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

    ITIS Reports -- ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

    Last updated: August 24, 2009