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  Application Forms Alphabetical Listing - "B"

Schaus SwallowtailSearch for an application alphabetically by keyword and then by type of application or purpose of  the application. An application form may be found under more that one keyword.


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Type of Application/Purpose/Form No.

Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act (BGEPA)

Also See Annual Reports
Eagle Parts for Native American Religious Purposes- Permit Application & First Order/Certification of Enrollment in a Federally Recognized Tribe/3-200-15a
Eagle Parts for Native American Religious Purposes -  Re-Order Request/3-200-15b
Native American Take for Religious Use/3-200-77
Native American Eagle Aviary/3-200-78
Native American Eagle Aviary Annual Report/3-202-14
Native American Eagle Take/3-200-77
Depredating Eagles/3-200-16
Eagle Exhibition/3-200-14
Eagle Falconry (Golden Eagles)/3-200-17
International Transport for Native American Religious Purposes/3-200-70
International Transport for Scientific or Exhibition Purposes/3-200-69
Removal of Golden Eagle Nests during Resource Development/3-200-18

Bear, Alaskan Brown & Black

Skins/Products, Export/3-200-26

Biological Samples

Import/Export/Re-export (CITES)/3-200-29
Import/Export (CITES Appendix I and/or ESA)/3-200-37
Salvage of Dead Bird Specimens/3-200-10a
Scientific Collecting of Birds/3-200-7

Biomedical Samples

Import/Export/Re-export (CITES)/3-200-29


See Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
See Endangered and Threatened Species (ESA)
See Import of Exotic Live Birds under WBCA
See Import/Export/Re-export under CITES
See Injurious Wildlife
See Migratory Birds


Skins/Products, Export/3-200-26


See Sport-hunted Trophy, Import

Breeding, Captive

Appendix-I Commercial Breeding Operation Registration (CITES)/3-200-65
See Captive-bred Wildlife Registration (ESA)
Cooperative Breeding Program, Exotic Live Birds (WBCA), Approval/3-200-49
Cooperative Breeding Program, Exotic Live Birds (WBCA), Import/3-200-48
Export, Live Captive-born Animals (CITES)/3-200-24
Game Bird Propagation/3-200-10e
Native Endangered and Threatened Species, Enhancement of Survival, Scientific Purposes, Recovery, and Interstate Commerce /3-200-55
Raptor Propagation/3-200-12
Waterfowl Sale and Disposal/3-200-9
Zoological Breeding and Display, Exotic Live Birds (WBCA), Import/3-200-47

Applications Footer File

If you need additional information regarding your proposed activities, search in FAQ's/FACTS.

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