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Human Resource Services

General Information Benefits Compensation Employee Assistance Program Employee Relations Employment Resources Training WorkLife

Frequently Asked Questions

As an applicant you may have some questions about the employment process. Below are some of the more frequently asked questions from applicants:

System Questions:

Process Questions:

What is my username and password?

Job seekers create their own username and password.  While it is important that you remember your username and password, if you write this information down be sure to keep it in a safe place.

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Forgot your username/password? Locked out?

If you forget your password, use the Forgot Password link. A temporary access code will be e-mailed to you to use to login. You will immediately be prompted to change your password. Note - use the code you are e-mailed as your old access code.

If you've waited 10 minutes and have not received the e-mail from the Forgot Password link, please e-mail taleohelp@purdue.edu with a brief message telling us your full name and the forgot your password link was delayed. You'll be e-mailed a temporary password - you will immediately be prompted to change your password.

After 5 unsuccessful attempts at entering your username and password your account will be locked. To get your account unlocked, e-mail taleohelp@purdue.edu with a brief message telling us your account is locked and your full name. You must provide us with your first and last name. The taleohelp@purdue.edu e-mail account is monitored Monday - Friday so an Employment staff member will unlock your account. The Taleo system will randomly assign you a new initial password which will be sent to your e-mail account.

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What are the requirements for a username?

The username must be a minimum of 4 characters.

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What are the password requirements?

There is no expiration for your password. Please note that the password must respect the following rules:

  • It must contain between 8 and 32 characters. Use only characters from the following set: ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / 0123456789 : ; < = > ? @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [ \ ] _ ` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz { | } ~
  • It must contain at least 1 capital letter(s) (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ).
  • It must contain at least 1 numeric character(s) (0123456789).
  • It must not contain more than 2 identical consecutive characters (AAA, iiii, $$$$$ ...).
  • It must not contain your user name.
  • It must not contain your email address.
  • It must not contain your first name.
  • It must not contain your last name.

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Job Alert E-mails, what are they?

If you were a subscriber to New Jobs Today, from our previous employment system, the Job Alert e-mails replace this.  The Taleo system allows job seekers to choose the type of job categories you are interested in within your profile. Once you have indicated specific categories this will generate an e-mail to you and you will receive notices of new job openings in those categories.  Whenever a job seeker applies for a job, the system automatically assigns that category to your profile assuming that you are interested in that specific category since you applied for a job in that category.

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Why do I get Job Alert e-mails for jobs that don’t match my background?

The e-mails are triggered by categories that you have either chosen or categories that were assigned to you because of the types of jobs you have applied for.

One category that may cause confusion is “Other Administrative Positions.” This job category is used for jobs that do not fit into any other category listed. The requirements on these jobs vary greatly, so although you have expressed an interest in this category, your background may not fit the requirements.

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How do I turn OFF/ON/Adjust the job alert emails I'm receiving?

To turn off your job alert emails:
Once you login to your account, click on "My Account Options" at the top, then scroll down to the "Correspondence" heading and click "edit". Once there, you can check and uncheck if you want to receive email notification whenever a new position matching your profile is posted.

To adjust your job alert emails:
Once you login to your account, click on "MyJobpage" at the top, then on the right, click on "Access My Profile". Scroll down to "Select Job Interest" heading and click "edit". There you can add and remove categories in the Job Field interest.

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I get e-mails from hr-purdue@invalidemail.com.  Are these emails really from Purdue?

Yes, all of the electronic correspondence being sent to job seekers is from this e-mail address.

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I received an e-mail telling me that I need to answer legal questions to be considered for employment. Do I need to answer them?

Yes, this e-mail is sent to all job seekers to gather additional information. You must answer these questions to be fully considered for positions at Purdue.

If you have already answered the Legal Questions and your response has not changed, you do not need to re-answer the Legal Questions. If your response has changed or you have not answered the Legal Questions, please respond/update the questions as appropriate. top of page

How do I find out what jobs are available?

All regular staff full-time and part-time job opportunities are posted on-line at www.purdue.edu/jobs.

For information on temporary employment please visit http://www.purdue.edu/hr/Employment/tempEmployment.html.

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What web browsers are supported?

  • Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 and above – 7.0 is recommended for Windows 2000 and XP.
  • Netscape 7.x on Windows XP
  • AOL 9.0 on Windows XP
  • Firefox 1.0 and above for Windows XP
  • Safari 1.x (recommended for Mac users)
  • Mac OS 9.X and OX X have only limited support, try using Netscape 7.X, Safari 1.X, or FireFox 1.0 or 1.5. If none of those work, try to run PC emulation software.
If you do not see your Operating System and Browser listed above, Taleo provides only limited support. You may need to us another computer.

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There are links in the Taleo system that I don’t know how to use. What are they for?

The Taleo system can be used to make your application process easier and more efficient. Review some of the other features the system offers.

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Do I have to submit a resume and/or an application?

You need to submit a resume online to be considered for employment, but you do not need to submit an application. You will also need to apply online for specific positions to receive consideration for those positions you are interested in and qualified for.

Need additional assistance? Download the step-by-step guide on How to Apply.

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How do I prepare and submit a resume if I do not have my own computer?

If you need access to a computer, please visit one of the following locations: Your local library, Workforce Development Center, or Purdue University in West Lafayette at either Freehafer Hall, the Physical Facilities Human Resources Office, or the Housing and Food Services Human Resources Office. Get a list of addressess.

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Do I need to submit a cover letter with my resume?

No, you are not required to submit a cover letter.

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Do I have to have a special type of resume?

No, but we can provide a few tips on what is preferred. It is not necessary to squeeze your entire resume onto one page. Be very specific in listing all of your skills (i.e. MS Word, Excel, Outlook, etc) and experiences for each position. Also keep these skills and experiences listed with each individual work experience (not in a separate section of your resume). List the duration for each work experience with the month and the year of the start and end of each experience. Summary of “key words” is not recommended. Chronological work history is preferred beginning with most recent employment first. Do not use unusual fonts or use fonts less than 10 point. Do not include graphics or pictures. Do not list personal information (i.e. married with children, age, etc).

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I always keep my resume to one page. How can I be detailed when I do that?

While it is recommended that you keep your resume concise, it is important to remember not to cut yourself short. Your resume is the first contact with Employment, giving us the details of your career history. Having a two- or three-page resume is acceptable as long as the information is relevant to the types of positions you are applying for. Review our resume tips.

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Can I update the resume I attached?

Yes - When you want to update your attachment, you will need to remove the old resume/document, make changes to your document, rename your document with a new name, then re-attach the revised and renamed document. If you do not rename your document, the system will not recognize it as a change and it will keep the old document.

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Can I opt to be considered for all open positions?

No, all applicants must apply for a specific position(s) online for each open position they wish to be considered for.

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Am I automatically matched to jobs?

No, all job seekers must apply for specific positions to be considered for employment at Purdue University. They are NOT automatically matched to positions.

The Employment Consultant handling the position reviews the resumes and forwards those applicants that meet the minimum requirements to the hiring department.

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Should I submit a resume for each position I apply for?

You can submit up to five position specific resumes one at a time, however it is very important that you include the job number as part the file name when saving your resume. This is the only way the Employment Consultant knows which resume to use for a specific job. Each file has an allocated limit of 100 kilobytes.

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How often do I have to submit a resume?

Unless you have a significant change, such as name, address, or employment history, you do not need to send us additional copies of your resume.

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I turned in a resume and applied for a specific position(s) online. Can you tell me what my status is on that position(s) and/or if my resume has been forwarded to the hiring supervisor?

No, due to the fact that we receive over 80,000 online applications per year it is impossible for us to provide this information to applicants. After your resume and online application are received they will be reviewed by one of our Employment Consultants. If you meet the minimum qualifications of the position you have applied for, your resume will be released to the applicable department for further review and consideration. You can login to your profile for additional information regarding your application.

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How long are jobs advertised?

Each position is advertised on-line for a minimum of 5 business days and may be posted longer. Please note that positions are posted as they become available so new ones can appear on-line at anytime.

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When a position I was interested in is no longer on the Web site, does this mean it has been filled? How do I find out when a position is filled?

If a job no longer appears on our Web site, there can be a couple of reasons for this. We remove jobs from the posting when a hiring supervisor has received an adequate number of qualified resumes for applicants or when a position has been filled or cancelled. If you login to your profile and click on “My Job Page”, the “Job Status” will be listed under each position you have applied for.

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Do you use “key word” searches and should I be sure to include “key word” trip phrases in my resume?

No, we do not and have never used “key word” searches. Putting “key word” trip phrases will be of no benefit to your resume. You are only considered for the positions in which you apply specifically. Once you apply for a position, an Employment Consultant reads your resume to determine if you meet the minimum qualifications and forwards only the minimally qualified applicants to the hiring department.

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Does the “computer” screen out my resume?

No, the “computer” does not screen out your resume. An Employment Consultant reads your resume each time you apply for a position and determines if you meet the minimum qualifications and forwards only the minimally qualified applicants to the hiring department.

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I spoke with a hiring supervisor for a position that I applied for. He did not receive my resume. Can you tell me why?

Purdue Employment handles a large volume of job inquiries. There are more than 10,000 applicants sending in more than 80,000 online applications annually. Because of this large number of activity, we are unable to personally respond to every applicant. When you submit your resume and application online, you can login to your profile for additional information. Neither the hiring supervisor nor the employment consultant can provide specific details to applicants about vacancies. If you meet the minimum qualifications, your resume will be released to the hiring department for consideration.

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Does Purdue University offer internships or summer employment?

Yes, but these positions are not posted by the Human Resources Department. If you are seeking an internship or summer employment in a specific area, you should contact the departments directly to see if they have positions available. Financial Aid and the Center for Career Opportunities are also good resources. Visit our “Student/Internship Employment” page.

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How can I find out the pay rate for a specific position?

Each department determines if they wish to share the pay range for their position. If the pay range is being shared with the public, you can obtain it by calling (765) 496-JOBS (5627) or emailing taleohelp@purdue.edu and leaving your name, e-mail, or telephone number and a detailed message. Your message must include the 7-digit “Job Number” for the position you are inquiring about.

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