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Human Resource Services

General Information Benefits Compensation Employee Assistance Program Employee Relations Employment Resources Training WorkLife


The Employment department supports the commitment to diversity made by the University and is involved in various recruitment activities encouraging diverse individuals and groups to consider Purdue as an employer of choice. The Employment department also participates in additional activities to facilitate an environment of inclusiveness at Purdue.

Some examples of these activities include:
  • Recruitment at various diversity related events.
  • Maintain list of sources related to diversity targeted recruitment.
  • Employment selection training regarding diversity targeted recruitment.
  • Interpretation of Affirmative Action goals in creating recruitment plans.
  • Participation on various committees and projects related to diversity.

"Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential.

As a land-grant institution, Purdue has long been committed to the principles of equal access and opportunity in education and employment.

Recognizing that our faculty and staff are vital to the fulfillment of our mission of academic excellence in learning, discovery, and engagement, Purdue is dedicated to ensuring its employment processes are fair and open to all those who wish to participate."

Martin C. Jischke

Diversity Related Resources

There are many organizations within Purdue and the local community that can serve as resources for diversity related matters.

Purdue Resources:

Local Resources:


